Ch22: Auction Party

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Yeah.. It was an auction, for women. I stood behind Padre's chair and sipped some red wine. "Best in town." he smirked at me and said. My feet were killing me. Padre must've read my mind because he placed his hand on his lap offering me a seat. I sat on him still sipping the wine. I was looking good in my one long, silver studded sleeve short black dress. I had on black heels with silver spikes on the back and my hair was up in a tight bun. "More wine?" A man entered the partially dark room and asked us. I nodded my head and held out my glass. "Thank you." "You know what happens when you get too much." Padre said to me. "So you don't wanna carry me home?" He laughed at me and pointed to the first girl. "Help me out here." he said.
The first girl that came out was a white, flat bodied girl. Man, she had no assets at all. "Number one is Shelby from Utah. 19, green eyes, 5'4, and good with numbers. Any takers?" the man on the intercom said. Padre held his chin and balled up his lips. I chuckled at his facial expression and sipped my wine. "No bids? Better luck next time Shelby." The auctioneer said as some men walked into the room and escorted her out.
Next was a mixed skinned girl. She looked nice. She had an average chest, small stomach and curves in the skirt she was wearing. "Number two is Chelsea. She's from New York. 20, brown eyes, mixed with black and white. Gentlemen?" As soon as the voice stopped I heard a beep noise. Someone made an offer for the girl. "1,000. 1,500 any one?" Another beep sounded. The bidding continued and Padre jumped right in it. "4,000. Going once, going twice, sold." Padre had just paid $4,000 for this girl. "She better be worth it." I said. "Don't be like that." he replied then kissed my shoulder.
"Number three is Jessica. She's from Missouri, 20, light brown eyes. She has a passion for dancing and an aggressive attitude. Sounds like a money maker to me. She's yours gentlemen." I couldn't even see the girl's face. Her back was facing us. "What do you think?" Padre asked me. "Go ahead." The bid started and Padre joined in. He bought her for $3,000. "I guess these men can't handle an attitude like I can." He said while laughing. "I'm gonna go to the bar." I said while walking out and joining the party. I headed straight for the bar and drunk the night away putting every single glass on Padre's tab since he felt like the big baller of the night.

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