Ch10: First Sunday

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*iPhone melody plays* My alarm went off at 6:50. I rubbed my eyes and looked to see if Tyler was still asleep. He wasn't there..

I got up slowly and walked through the dorm checking every room. I couldn't find him. I ended up back in my room sitting on my bed feeling like I had done something wrong. Maybe he felt like he shouldn't have told me about his ex. I wasn't sure so I decided to text him. I unlocked my phone and saw that I got a text from Tyler!

"Hey sorry I had to leave. I've had a blast with you but I have to take care of my job. I hope you'll understand. I promise I'll make it up to you. Look tomorrow is Sunday and I want you to be ready for class Monday. So if there's any supplies you need, any classrooms you need help finding, feel free to ask. Text me whenever you wake up from your nap sweetheart :)"

I replied back smiling, "Thanks for today & I completely understand. I think I'm good tho. I'm just gonna look around campus tomorrow. I'll see you around!" I wasn't sure of what else I could do so I just laid there texting Tyler until I fell back asleep.

Right before I dozed off I got a text from Sarah, the girl I met at Double H! "Hey Imani! I'm about to send you that picture of you and Tyler." I typed "Hey Sarah! go ahead girl." but I didn't send it.

(Sarah's POV)

"Crap she isn't texting me back. I'll send it anyway." I said to myself. "She who?" said my roomate as she flopped on the bed looking over my shoulder while I was texting. "My new friend Imani. I took a picture of her and this guy earlier and now I'm about to send it to her. Aren't they the cutest couple?" Sarah stated as she was showing her roommate the picture. She stared for a long time then spoke, "What is his name?" "Tyler... I think. Yeah that's it!" "Hm, what a cute couple." said the roommate while grabbing her phone. Sarah got up to get the charger to her phone. "Hey! Are we still going out next weekend for your birthday?" Sarah asked. "Yeah, I need to go shopping for an outfit tho." Her eyes lit up. "You should ask your friend if she wants to come with us." "Alright I'll ask. Just remind me another time because she's sleeping extra heavy tonight." Sarah replied.

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