Ch13: It's the weekend!

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It's finally Friday & your girl is about to turn up. I only have 3 hours of class today. Thank God! I ordered my new phone online. It's suppose to be coming in today. Sarah and I are going shopping to find an outfit for her roommate's party. I guess I'll get her a present. She seems pretty cool. I just don't know what she likes cause she complained alot. I'll just ask Sarah what she thinks. After class I went to my dorm and just chilled. I checked out some jobs in the newspaper. I felt like I needed to make my own money just incase my mom could no longer support me. Minutes later I heard a knock on the door and I got up to open it. Tyler and I hugged then he walked in.

"Babe have you seen these new foams? We have to get them." he said. "I don't have my phone, remember?" "Oh yeah. Has your new one came yet?" "No, but it should be coming today." I answered as I circled a job in the paper. I sat it down on the table and turned the tv on some cartoons. Tyler and I laid there watching the show and laughing. "So let me know what's up for this weekend." he asked. "Well Sarah's roommate is having a birthday party at this club tonight." "Who's her roommate?" "She told me to call her Jay." "Jay?" he said with a confused look. "Yes, Jay." "Black or white?" "She's mixed." "With what?" "Both, duh." I said as I pushed his head. "Aye!" he grabbed me and started tickling me. I was laughing so hard. "I quit, I quit!" I yelled. "That's what I thought." "You coming with me?" I asked him. "I wish I could but my aunt just decided she wants me in her wedding. You know how that is. I'll stop by if I can tho." "It's all good. I'll turn up for the both of us."

Someone knocked on the door. "I got it." we said at the same time. We fought each other all the way to the door. I pushed him down, he grabbed my leg, I fell, he got up, I pulled his basketball shorts down, I got up, I jumped on his back & bit his ear, he tickled me, I fell to the floor but this time I just laid there. Yeah, he won. So what. He opened the door. It was a delivery man with a box. "Imani Jones." he said. "Mani!" "Yes massa?" I said while getting up from the floor. "Come and sign for this package girl." The delivery man just chuckled and called us cute. I took the box to my room and opened it. it was my new phone. I was sooo happy! Tyler was a bit jealous because he cracked his screen. Haha! I let him set it up and play with it for a while. Now all I had to do was find an outfit for the party.

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