Ch36: Testimony

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The next morning, Tyler and I got to meet with the dean of the school. "Goodmorning Dr. Morrow." Tyler greeted her as we sat down. "Goodmorning Tyler and who is this beautiful young lady?" she asked. "Dr. Morrow, this is the courageous Imani. She's been gone for several weeks and has finally returned home with a legendary story." "Legendary, you say? Alright, I'm listening." Dr. Morrow crossed her arms and sat back in her chair.

*Scene fades to the TV show The View.*

"And if you're just now tuning in then you've missed one of the greatest survival stories from the incredibly brave Imani Jones." Whoopie Goldberg said as the crowd applauded. "So what are your plans now Imani? What does your future hold for you?" she asked me. "Honestly Whoopie, I'm just taking everything one step at a time. Since my dean accept me back into school I'm going to continue with my theatre major. Lately I've been auditioning for TV shows and plays but I'd love to be in a movie." I replied. "You know I can actually see that for you. In fact, I bet there's a director right now putting together a documentary just for you." "That would make me even more happier. I have to say, that experience was life changing but I did notice a few benefits." I said. "Benefits? Imani what are benefits of almost dying by the hands of a man's ex girlfriend?" "Well when I first started the whole prostitute thing, I made money. It was a lot of money, but I was still unsatisfied. I was empty and I couldn't understand why. That night at the club when I finally saw Tyler unknowingly defending me, I felt okay. I felt safe. I became so comfortable in knowing he was there that I forgot I had a task at hand. Even when he came to Padre's condo and stood there holding a gun at his ex girlfriend, I knew I was safe all because he was there. Tyler was all that I needed. He filled that emptiness, that void in my heart. But I thought I'd never be able to return to him. Thank God I did. Because of him, everything is better now. I'm working, going to school, acting, communicating with my family, and we've even taken in a little girl I met." Whoopie said, "That is so precious. Now tell me about this little girl you've been keeping. You said you met her while you were prostituting?" "Yes." I answered. "And she was prostituting with you?" "Yes ma'am." I answered again. "When Tyler and I moved in together I went back to find her on the same corner we'd always be on and I asked her to come live with me. I've been like her big sister ever since." I said. "Well that's beautiful. Everyone I'd like to welcome to the stage Ms. Brianna McNeal." Whoopie announced. The crowd cheered and clapped as Brianna walked out and hugged me tight. She then sat next to me and could not stop smiling. "Why are you smiling so hard sweetie?" Whoopie asked. "Because I'm happy. I'm finally free and I feel better." Brianna said while her eyes watered. The crowd did a long "aww" and clapped for her. "Now Brianna, when Imani told you that she would take you away from all that madness did you believe her or did you feel like she was only trying to say something to give you hope?" Whoopie asked. "I kinda believe both. I mean, I trusted her. I told her everything and she told me that to give me hope because she knew that some days I just wanted to give up. I knew she'd keep her promise to me and I thank her for that." Brianna responded while wiping her eyes. I leaned over to hug her and the crowd applauded. "Brianna I understand that you are an orphan. Correct?" Whoopie asked. "Yes ma'am." "Well, I'm sure there are some couples either here in our live audience or at home watching this that would love to hear what you'd have to say in order to join a new family." Brianna held her head down and then looked up at the camera. "I'm not the prettiest girl. I'm not needy. I'm not stubborn and I'm not difficult to please. I've been through so much already and I'm only 13 years old. I'm just looking for a place to feel accepted and a place to start over. I want a fresh start. I'm a loving girl and I'm very polite. I don't mean any harm. I never want to go through that again. All I want to do is to be loved again. That's all." Brianna wiped her face and smiled at me as I joined the crowd in clapping for her. "Thank you for sharing that. Speaking of sharing we have one more seat open and that is for our hero, our life saver. Let's give a warm welcome to Tyler Armour." Whoopie introduced Tyler. He walked out and waved to the crowd as they stood and cheered for him. He hugged Whoopie. Then he hugged Brianna and finally hugged me and kissed my forehead. "She went ahead and told us you were a forehead kisser and apparently she wasn't lying." Whoopie said while everyone laughed. Tyler shrugged his shoulders, "Gotta show her I care. "So Tyler you really love this woman?" Whoopie asked. "More than anything in this world." "Exactly how did you feel when she randomly disappeared?" Whoopie asked Tyler. "Truthfully, I thought it was my fault. Before she was taken, I opened up to her about my past relationship and I thought I scared her away. I thought she was trying to stay away from me. But once I saw her again that night at the club, the was she trembled when she looked at me, I knew she needed me. That's why I risked my life for her. I knew I needed her as well. And while we're on that topic.." Tyler paused and reached in his pocket. He stood in front of me and then got on one knee. The crowd cheered and my eyes grew big. "Imani. I want us to be together forever. I've fought for you once and if I had to fight for you again I would. I'll be a lover and a fighter for you. But now I also want to be your husband. Imani Jones, will you marry me?" He opened the case he had in his hand. It was a beautiful, sparkling silver ring. The crowd cheered loudly, "say yes! Say yes! Say yes!" I couldn't help but blush.

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