Ch2: Warm welcoming

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After hours of driving I finally arrived at the campus. I park my car then stepped out looking around at the different people & how beautiful the sun made the school look.

"Wow! College at last. I can already tell I'm gonna love it here." "I hope so," said this guy that was standing behind me. "Gosh, you scared me." I said while putting my hands on my chest. "Heh, yeah I'm pretty good with surprising people. I'm Tyler. I'm part of the student council staff. It's my job to make sure that you find your room, your classes & to give you a full tour around the school." "Okayyy Tyler. I'm Imani. Just let me grab my bags & we can get to it." "Oh nooo I couldn't bare to watch you carry your own bags. Devin! Michael!" he called his friends over to where we were standing. "This is Imani. Today is her first day. You know the drill. Here's the key to her dorm. We'll catch up with you." They nodded their heads, grabbed her bags and walked off.

"Well aren't they nice." I said to Tyler. "Yeah, there are only a few here like that tho so be careful." he said to me while watching them walk off. I really wasn't paying attention to anything he had just said. I was too busy looking at how handsome & fit he was. He was about 6'2 with a nice smile and dark brown hair that was layered to perfection. I've never looked at a white guy like that but he stood out to me. I'm glad he's taking me on this tour. "You ready?" he asked me. "Yeah let's go!"

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