Ch7: Meet Sarah

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After I embraced him he bumped fists with Bryan. Tyler then escorted me to the steps and we were surrounded with love. This cute Asian looking girl ran up to us. "Hey! Mind if I get a picture of you two? You look so good together!" "Oh we're not together." I said to her. "Yet." Tyler added while grabbing my hips, staring into my eyes & then kissing my forehead. I closed my eyes because I really thought he was about to kiss ME not my head! It felt like it was in slow motion, like he really wants to be with me. The girl smiled and captured our moment then showed us. "I can send this to you if you want me to." "Sure, let me give you my number." Tyler snickered, "Look I don't know about you but I'm parched after that song. You two want anything." "Anything but soda or.." "Orange" he cut me off while smiling and waiting on me to do the same. I forgot I told him I didn't like orange already. "And you.. uhh. I don't think I got your name." Tyler said to the girl. "I'm Sarah. And I'll take a water." "Okay. I'm Tyler. So Sarah, water. And Imani, no soda no orange. Be back shortly ladies."

As I gave Sarah her phone back she acted as if a lightbulb came on in her head. "Imani! Imani Jones?" "Yes, that's me." "Girl I saw your name on the Theatre Arts roll. You'll be in there with me!" "I'm glad I met you then! So I'm guessing you have a talent as well?" "Yes ma'am." Tyler came back with our drinks. He brought me a fruit punch snapple. My favorite! We thanked him. Suddenly we heard someone tap the mic and start speaking. "We have a request for a special someone to come to the stage. Long hair, don't care. Tight eyes, real wise. All the way from Chinatown & some say she's related to Jackie, give it up for the gorgeous Sarah Chan!" Everyone laughed at the introduction but I was excited to see her talent. She took a drink of her water then headed for the stage. She sat down and this guy brought a keyboard and sat it down in front of her. She began to sing Keep Your Head Up by Andy Grammer. The crowd cheered. I guess they all knew the song.

Everyone was vibing but it got really hype when Bryan got back up there and added a nice beat to it. I was dancing with Tyler. We were holding hands and he spun me around a few times. I'd land in his arms and just smile at him. At the chorus when she sung "but ya gotta keep ya head up ohhhh and you can let ya hair down ayeeee" I could not stop laughing at him. He would chuck his chin up in the air and start moving like Bernie. Then on the second line he'd take my hands and make me flip my hair.

It was hilarious to me because he was getting more and more comfortable around me. Now we could start opening up to each other, which is good. I had alot I wanted to tell him. "Are you having fun?" he asked me. "Yeah but I really need to grab some things for my room." "Oh I can take you. You wanna go now?" "Yeah let's go." On the way to the car we got so many hugs and smiles. It seemed like they knew there was something between us. We knew it too.

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