Ch29: High Heels

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The music was so loud. I didn't even think about trying to scream over it. We walked out of the hallway onto the dance floor. Everyone was smiling while I was sweating bullets, praying I wouldn't die. Only 3 of Padre's men were there. I couldn't tell if they saw me or not because they all had on black shades. I walked as slow as I could but I knew he was becoming impatient with me. "Speed the hell up." He said aggressively in my ear. "Let me take my shoes off." I said over my shoulder. "No! Do it the car. Shut up and walk!" He nudged me in the back with the gun really hard. I used that as a way to escape. I began to wobble on my heels and fall to the side. I fell amongst a crowd of people. That pissed Ed off big time. The crowd stopped dancing and watched him as he grabbed me by my hair and told me to get up. I couldn't do anything but yell. I attempted to get up but he let me go and I fell to the floor, face first. I turned over on my back and saw Ed staring down some random guy. I could only see his lower body. People began to move back slowly and form a circle around the two. I felt someone touch me, helping me up. I looked back. It was Devin and Michael from the school I use to go to. "What are you two doing here?!" "We could ask you the same thing!" Devin answered. "Where's Tyler?" It hurt me so much to even think of asking that question. They both looked around. Michael pointed, "There he is. He's about to go head on with that old guy." "Oh man, I have to record this!" Devin said excitedly. I looked through the crowd to see Tyler going back and forth with Ed. He was defending me. He still loves me. Did he even know it was me? Or does he think he's defending a random girl? A grin snuck upon my face as I fixed my hair. He looked like he was ready to kill him. Kill... Ed has a gun! "Tyler!" I yelled. He looked around for a moment, so did Ed. Tyler and I finally locked eyes after what felt like a decade without him in my life. While we gazed at each other, Ed realized I knew Tyler and that I was no longer on the floor. He raised his gun and hit Tyler upside his head with it. "Tyler!" I yelled while covering my mouth. "Bro!" Devin and Michael yelled while running to Tyler's unconscious body. Ed turned around and pointed at me while walking towards me. I moved through the crowd of people as fast as I could. Against the wall stood two of Padre's men. They both turned their heads towards me once I emerged from the crowd. My breathing was heavy from the running. I pointed with my thumb to notify them that Ed was behind me. They both nodded and swatted their hand to the side. I moved over to the side and turned around to see Ed come from the crowd the same way I did. He looked at me and raised his gun. My eyes were wide open. I felt like a deer in headlights. All that flashed through my mind was memories of Tyler and I. I wasn't sure if that meant I was about to die or if I had died already..

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