Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

We talk for a while as the Queen gets us up to date on all we need to know and informs us she will be staying in the capital for the next week. When we are dismissed, we are finally allowed to make our way down to the city.

"Isla, why didn't you tell us you were being hunted?" Serenity asks. I sigh. I hadn't wanted them to know, but I suppose they really need too.

"I just didn't want you to worry," I sigh. "I wanted you just to just have this time where you can grow and have fun with your friends without having to worry about death and danger," I tell them.

"Well that wasn't your choice to make, Isla," Tanya snaps angrily. "We are your family, you don't hide something like that from us. If one of us has a problem, we work together to solve it. It is the four of us, against the rest of the world! All we have is each other and we need to protect each other." Tanya stomps away angrily. Serenity rushes after her leaving myself and Toryn.

"I'm sorry Toryn," I sigh. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me into him.

"You should have told us Isla, but I can understand why you didn't," he tells me. I frown.

"That isn't what you were saying at the palace the other week," I remind him of our fight. He chuckles.

"I shouldn't have done that or said those things, I know you are just trying to do your best to protect us. I'm sorry," he smiles softly. "I was just really worried," he tells me. I smile and give him a hug.

"Tanya is right, we only have each other and we need to work together always. You may have thought it was your responsibility and burden to bear, but it isn't Isla. If you're in danger then we'd rather you'd tell us so we can help keep you safe. Us having a semi-normal teenage life isn't important if one of us is in danger," he tells me and I realise what a big mistake I've made by keeping my siblings in the dark.

"No more secrets," I say to him.

"No secrets between the four of us," he agrees. "Don't worry about Tanya, she'll calm down. She's just scared, we all are." I nod.

"Dark times are coming," I whisper as we get to the stables ready to go into the city.

"Let's just hang out together this afternoon," I say to Toryn. "It has been a long time since the two of us have spent time together properly," I smile at my twin. River whinnies as I reach his pen, his black fur glistening in the light.

"My thoughts exactly," he replies as we walk through the stable doors.

"Last one to the city is a dragon fart!" he shouts as his horse rears and races out the door. I laugh and urge River on after him.  River is a huge horse with powerful muscles, as is Toryns horse. We are neck and neck most of the way, crossing into the city at the same time.

"I don't want to shop today," I say, as we walk through the busy market.

"Let's just ride in the woods," Toryn suggests. "Iona told me there are lots of interesting trails around the mountains.

We spend many hours riding in the woodland together, getting really deep into the forest. Toryn and I talk and race, jumping over fallen trees and galloping through streams. The feeling of the wind rushing through my hair as River gallops is exhilarating. We come to a large opening in the woodland. A large field of grass stretches before us. Wildflowers cover the field with colour and a stream runs through the middle. It is tranquil and beautiful. We slow and look around then stop completely as a feeling of unease washes over me.

"Do you sense that?" he asks. I nod my head. It darkens around us as thick clouds cover the sun. The birds stop singing and the wind stops brushing the grass. My hand brushes against my daggers that I had strapped to my legs. River whinnies uneasily. A snapping sound echoes around us and an unusual smell fills the air.

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