(Chpt.1-01) 1st Grade~✏

Start from the beginning

"The two and the.....twelve?"

"That's right. I love you Diya and daddy gonna see you later okay. Have fun" he gives me a kiss on the forehead before standing back up.

I watch him and my sister walk out, leaving me alone with a tall skinny woman at my side. I felt sad inside really, I hated when my daddy left me behind. But I was used to it by now. That went for my mom too. I barely saw her as it is and we lived in the same God damn house.

"Hi, sweetie. I'm Miss Cleare. What's your name?"

"Diynara...." I looked up to her.

"That's a pretty name. You ready to go see your new class? I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends" she led me out the office.

But the truth is, I didn't meet a lot of new friends at that school. Only one true friend, who would become my best friend later down the line.

Upon arrival to my new classroom, Miss Cleare introduced me to my new 1st grade teacher, who then introduced herself to me.

"Hi Diynara, I'm Miss Graham"

"Hi..." I spoke shyly, now looking up at her instead.

"You can go have a seat next to Kehlani over there. We're coloring pictures today, so you can go get started" she pointed to where she wanted me to sit.

I nod my head and walk over to the table, feeling the whole class of students watch my every move. I pulled back the red plastic chair and sat across from a mixed little girl with long brown hair. She looked up at me from coloring but I quickly looked down at the crayons on the table.

"Hi! What's your name?" she asked happily. ...well isn't she friendly.

"D-diynara, what's yours?"

"I'm Kehlani and I'm 7 years old. How old are you?"

"I'm 7 too"

"Cool. We're like sisters already" she cheesed. "You like to color? You can have the picture of the kitty cat" she slid me the page and passed me some crayons. "I'm making this doggie look like Clifford" she tells me while continuing to color.

 "I'm making this doggie look like Clifford" she tells me while continuing to color

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"Thank you for sharing with me" I say, picking up a purple crayon to start.

"What's you favorite color?"


"Ewww! You like a boy color sis? I like red"

I laugh. "Red is a boy color too"

"Really? Damnit...then I like boy colors too" she shrugged.

"Mhm. I like your hair"

"Thank you, my mommy did it. I like yours too because it's curly"

"Thanks" I smile, going back to coloring.

"So. What else can I know about you?"

"Well, I'm an Alien" I grin.

Her eyes and her mouth widen. "You are?!"

"Mhmm. I have a third eye on my forehead but it's sleeping right now" I point to the spot.

"That's so cool. Can you fly too?"

"Yeah and I can walk on walls and upside down"

"Cool. I wish I was an Alien"

"So you don't think that's weird?" I ask.

"No. I think it's cool"

"Oh okay because my big sister says I'm weird. She calls me a liar too but I'm not lying. Lying is bad, just like my mommy said"

"You have a big sister?"

"Yeah but she's mean big sister"

"Uh oh. I don't like meanies" she says with a frown.

"I don't either"

"Are you mean?"

"Nooo. I'm nice" I smile at her.

"Me too. I think your cool and nice. Wanna be my friend? I can share my fruit snacks with you"

"Yeah we can be friends. I think you're cool too"

And so, me and Kehlani became friends that same day. We made each other pictures and sat together at snack time, where yes....she did share her Scooby Doo fruit snacks with me.

I had a new best friend...👭

°Diynara, age 7 in the Media lol°Hey, thanks for reading💕-Tasia B

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°Diynara, age 7 in the Media lol°
Hey, thanks for reading💕-Tasia B.

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