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Alex's POV

I couldn't fall more in love with this man.

Yes, we're young as hell. We haven't even started college. Do I look like I give a fuck?

I'm engaged to Jack Barakat, and I couldn't be happier.

So, as we all walked through the zoo together with Jack holding the hand of his little brother, I fell more and more in love at the sight.

Do you ever look at someone and just appreciate everything about them? Especially when they're with babies. It makes everything so much more special, you know? Or am I talking out of my ass? Eh, I do that a lot.

"Look, Joe. There's Jack." Rian cooed, pointing to the gorilla enclosure. Joe laughed, clapping his small little hands together as Jack picked him up, balancing the small male on his hip.

"Oh yeah? And there's your Uncle Rian." Jack turned around for a second, pointing to a statue of a warthog.

"Ha ha, hilarious Jack." Rian shoved Jack's side, laughing at him. I held out my two arms, grinning when Joe opened his and allowed me to take me into my own arms and carry him around for a bit.

We were pretty much finishing up at the zoo, we'd been here for a good few hours. We'd had a cute picnic, played in the playground, we even got the chance to feed some elephants and penguins. I think it was because the zoo keeper secretly had a crush on Derek, but we won't say anything.

"Are we going to talk about the zookeeper that had a thing for Derek?" Isaac laughed, nudging Stiles' side

"Or maybe she wouldn't stop staring at Derek because he has a leaf stuck in his hair." Stiles smiled sweetly as if he wasn't fazed, as Derek grumbled and brushed the leaf off of his shoulder.

We'd had a great day, like a real family. I couldn't even begin to describe the bliss we were going through, right until..

"Get your hands off of him!"

I heard a familiar voice yell, which obviously came from the mouths of one of my friends. I instantly spun around, seeing that a group of guys dressed in black were trying to take Joe.

Thoughts ran through my mind. I'd given Joe to Scott around 10 minutes ago, and we were right at the top of the zoo, somewhere in the hills. Naturally, I had to defend my little brother-in-law-to-be, so I went into anger mode. I thought I was getting better at controlling my anger, but I guess I definitely wasn't. Some people had recommended that I put it towards joining the police force, or even some kind of martial arts fighting.

Okay, I went a little off topic.

I grabbed the guy that was trying to pull Joe away, straight up punching him in the face.

"Alex!" I heard Jack's voice yell, as now two guys were holding him back.

What the fuck are these guys doing? Are they trying to kidnap the kid?

Then I realised, they could possibly be some kind of perverts..why else would they want a baby boy..? I can't, and won't, think about it.

There's like..eight of us, not including Joe. And there's maybe ten of these guys.

But, they don't have a Derek. Or a Zack.

Or an angry me.

Zack could make someone shit bricks just by looking at them.

I managed to wrap both of my arms tightly around Joe and pick him up, holding the crying little kid close to my chest. "It's okay bud. They're just playing a game, and we have to run away from them as fast as possible before they catch us and put us on their pirate ship." I murmured into the soft hair of the baby boy, turning around to see Rian giving me a 'Really?' look, which I replied to with a shrug like; 'WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY?!'

Now, to get Jack. I'm protecting my family.

Jack had broken free by kicking them both off of him, and everyone else was pretty good. So naturally, we ran like hell and got as fast away from them as we possibly could.

But...we were running a little too fast. Do you ever see people in movies running so fast and turning corners that they all fall into eachother, slip and skid on the floor?

Yeah. We had that moment.

We were sprinting so incredibly fast, that when we turned a corner..we all smacked into eachother, and one of us happened to fall over a stone wall...straight into the bear enclosure.

"Stiles...are you fucking serious? Why couldn't you have fallen in with the peacocks?! Or penguins?! Literally any other animal!"

We all stared down at a soaking wet Stiles who had landed in the water surrounding the bear enclosure, who had disturbed a sleeping bear. "OHMYGODSCOTTHELPMEWHATTHEFUCKDOIDO?!" A girly sound came from Stiles, who wasn't smart enough to realise that you definitely don't run from a bear. "For fuck sake..." Derek muttered under his breath, taking a hold of Zack's hand. "Make a chain." We nodded and did as we were told, forming a chain with our hands so we could lower Derek into the bear enclosure to rescue our damsel in distress.

What was I saying about this day being blissful?

Eh, well I guess nobody died.

Jalex - Highschool (All Time Low & Teen Wolf crossover - involves Sterek)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant