Chapter 18: My friends are a different breed

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Alex's POV

Fuckkk. I get to sleep in today. I don't need to get up at fucking 7am with massive bags under my eyes.

However, I do have to get up soon so I can make myself look good. The guys & I decided to go shopping early today, cause literally the whole town will be out looking for prom dresses and tuxedos.

So we're going out at 9am. I know right? That's fucking early.

I checked the time on my phone, 8am.
Right, time to get a shower. I lifted my phone, clicked on my random playlist and hopped into the shower, performing 'American Idiot' for my rubber duck.

Today was gonna be a good day, I have great company.

As soon as I was done showering, it was time to choose some clothes. I decided on a purple & black checkered shirt, a black tshirt, black skinny jeans and purple high tops.

Now it was time to wake my parents up so they didn't freak out when they woke up and I wasn't there. I tiptoed to their room, knocked and opened the door.

'Hey guys, I'm going out tux shopping and I'll be back in a couple of hours.'
My dad answered, I guessed my mom was still asleep. 'Fuck off boy, and close the door.'
I sighed, and did as he said. What the fuck is the point in that man? He literally doesn't care about me at all, and he just uses my mums money for alcohol. And probably sex.

I've always told myself that when I grow up I'll never be a dad like that. He wasn't always like that though, he got really bad around the time of when Tom died. We don't really talk about him much anymore, it just makes my mom cry and feel like a failed mother, which she isn't. She's a great mom and I love her, but I wish she was around more. She won't leave my dad cause they're teenage sweethearts, and she thinks he can get better. She doesn't know about all the abuse he gives me, and I don't think she'll ever know.

Anyway. I pulled out my phone and went into our group chat.

Alex: 'Jacky, I'm on my way.'
Jack: 'I'm naked'
Alex: 'stay naked ;)'
Stiles: 'I'm supposed to be the gay one'
Alex: 'I'm coming over now Jacky, so get some pants on at least and I'll sit outside in the car'
Jack: 'okie dokie lex'

And with that, I put down my phone, grabbed my keys and an apple and I was in the car. I put on a greenday CD and knawed away at my apple.

Soon enough I arrived at Jack's house, and he was sitting outside on his wall wearing a black leather jacket with a white tshirt, white skinny jeans and black high tops.

Damn he's fucking hot.

I tried my best not to get a boner as Jack sat in the car next to me. He put his seatbelt on and shyly kissed me on the cheek and laughed.

I knew I was fucking blushing. It was the first time he'd ever kissed me.

'Alright Madamé Jacky, let's go get some of these other losers.'

And off we went.

Jack's POV

I was sitting next to Alex in the car with Stiles, Scott & Liam in the backseat. Sitting next to Alex makes it really hard not to look at him. He was singing happily and quietly, occasionally laughing at the others or making a joke.

When we arrived at this little men's boutique, it was empty except for the people that worked there.

'Okay guys, posh accents.' Alex said before taking off his seatbelt and stepping out onto the sidewalk, us all doing the same.

'Good afternoon.' We all said stepping into the shop. 'My name is Sir Barakat.' And everyone tried not to laugh.
The shopkeeper looked like we were all crazy.
'No but seriously, we're here to get tuxedos for prom.' Alex laughed.
Stiles & Liam raised their hands. 'We're not though, we're here to give our opinions.'

The shopkeeper smiled.
'If you'd like to come this way boys, and I'll take your measurements.'

He took our measurements and found us some tuxedos. I heard Alex whisper something in his ear about a shirt, I guess I'd find out on prom night.

I found a frilly blue tuxedo from like the 1940's, and tried it on whilst doing the moonwalk.

'Sassy, Barakat.' Alex said through laughter.

I saw someone laugh as they put their head down and walk past the shop window, putting their phone in their pocket. Weirdo.

Finally we found decent enough tuxedos, and left the shop to go get some food at a pizza place next door.

Fuck I'm hungry. I went for a spicy chicken pizza, and didn't pay attention to what everyone else ordered cause I was too busy demolishing my garlic bread and pizza.

'Damn Jack, you eat fast.' Scott admired me.
'Not as fast as I eat your mom.'
'HEY' Scott shouted all over the restaurant.
'Shut the fuck up.' He said quieter.

'Stiles have you seen the tux Derek got you?'
'Yeah, it's from Burberry.'
'Dude what the fuck, that's expensive.'
'Yeah, you're special.' I smiled at Scott making Stiles blush. They're really good friends.

We were sitting at a round table, Alex & Liam were beside me. Liam was sipping his Diet Coke and nibbling at his pizza before Scott pushed his face into the tomato and cheesy pizza.
'I'm gonna kill you, dickhead.' Liam laughed.
We all laughed.
I like laughing, especially around Alex. When I laugh he always looks at me in awe, and I do the same. I love seeing him smile, he's my everything.

'Okay guys, so I won't see any of you till Monday and it's April fools day soon. Everyone be ready.'
I suddenly remember my plan. 'Oh yeah! Bring in water pistols and water balloons.'
'Why Jacky?'
'We're gonna soak all the cheerleaders when they have practice. Also, all day we're gonna wear masks and run around with water pistols. Also, wear black skinny jeans, white converse, any shirt and a black hoodie or jacket. We're gonna go to classes as ourselves, but run around as bandits.'
'I love it. Let's fucking do it and make everyone in the school wet.' Alex held up his glass and we all toasted.
'Bitch please I already do that.' Stiles smiled.

Jalex - Highschool (All Time Low & Teen Wolf crossover - involves Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now