Chapter 31: Crying crocodile tears

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Alex's POV

So, from now on, we were all gonna walk Jack to class. If Jackson came anywhere near us, we would unleash hell on him.

We'd finished lacrosse practice, and now Jack and I were in the changing rooms alone getting changed back into our normal clothes.

'You excited for the game on Friday?' Jack looked at me whilst trying his lace.

'Hell yeah. If something angers me before the game starts then I'll most likely win the game with my rage.' Jack and I both laughed, even though we knew it was true.

I saw blood trickle out of Jack's sleeve and onto his hand. He quickly wiped it away, but not quick enough.

'Jack, did Jackson make you bleed?'

I dropped my gym bag to the ground and walked over to stand beside Jack and hold his arm, fiddling with his sleeve.

'Nah, I must've cut it during the game.'
'Show me, baby.' Jack blushed. Every time I call him baby he blushes like crazy.

'Honestly, I'm fine.'
'If you're fine then show me and let me clean your cut up.'

Jack sighed, knowing he was defeated. He put his bag on the ground and rolled up his sleeve, revealing four horizontal cuts.

'H-how did this happen?' I cleared my throat.
'I picked up a stray cat.'
'Jack, did you do this to yourself?'
Jack's eyes filled up and he nodded sheepishly.

I quickly pulled him in for a tight hug, kissing his head repeatedly and repeating the words 'it's okay'.
'Why Jacky?' I whispered in his ear.
'I got a letter from my mom.'
'She must've posted it a few years after she left and my dad never gave it to me, until yesterday. I read it this morning and broke down.'
'I'm driving you home and reading the letter, okay?'
'I was gonna let you read it anyway.'

Jack sniffled into my shoulder.

I hate seeing my Jack like this.

So..broken. I need to make him as happy as I possibly can.

'Why did you hide them?'
'It makes me look weak.' He mumbled.

I looked Jack in the eyes and put my hands on either side of his face. 'Self-harm isn't weak. These cuts are a part of you; therefore they're strong and beautiful.' I kissed Jack's hands and every cut on his wrist. 'Be proud of who you are, Jack.'

'I love you Lex.' He murmured before giving me a kiss.
'I love you too, now let's get you home.'

Jack's POV

I listened to Alex murmuring song lyrics for most of the car journey. He sings like a fucking angel.

'We're here Jacky.' We stepped out of the car and walked to my front door, hand in hand.

'What are you doing here?' My dad stood in the doorway of the living room.

'Bringing your son home and now we're gonna go do homework.'

'Jack doesn't need your help to do homework.' My dad snarled at Alex.

'And I don't need your goddamn opinion.' Alex smiled sweetly at my Dad and led me upstairs to my bedroom.

When we got into my room, Alex pushed me against the door and kissed me roughly, murmuring my name in between breaths. I felt like fireworks were inside my stomach.

We made our way over to my bed and continued to kiss, but were broken apart by Alex's phone ringing.

'Yeah?' Alex cleared his throat and spoke to Stiles on the phone. 'Put it on speaker.' I whispered.

'We're all in Derek's car. Where are you?'
'In Jack's..'
'Right well, we're coming over. Right now. It's important. If you're naked then get dressed.'
'Okay?' Alex said questioningly and Stiles hung up.
'I wonder what's so important.' I asked.

'We'll find out soon I guess, now where's your blade and your mom's letter?'
'My blade..?'
'Yes Jacky, I'm gonna get rid of it. It'll get rid of your temptation, trust me.'
'Lex.. have you cut before?'
He sighed. 'Once. After my brother died. But let's not talk about that now, get me your letter Jacky.' He planted a quick kiss on my check and I got the letter from the drawer beside me, and the blade from the bathroom floor, still covered in blood. I quickly washed it and handed both things over to Alex.

He began to read it all, taking his time. When he got to the end, he spoke.
'Have you read all of this?'
'Jack.. when she wrote this letter, she was pregnant. There's an address.. your dad hit her.. you should write back..'
'I don't know if I could write back. She's replaced me.'
'Jack, I don't think she purposely got pregnant. You should write to her.'
'I'll think about it.'
'Send her photos from prom!'
I smiled at Alex's excited face. 'Maybe.'

The doorbell rang and I bolted downstairs before my Dad could answer.

Derek, Stiles, Scott, Isaac, Rian, Zack ad Liam all stood at my door. 'Can we come in?' Derek asked.
'Sure.' I smiled and opened the door.
'Jack, who are all these people?'
'They're on the lacrosse team, Dad. We're gonna go over some stuff in my room.'
'I'm going to work.' My dad stormed past us and bumped into me, slamming the door.
'Ouch. Where's Alex?' Stiles asked.
'Upstairs, come on up.'
I lead them up to my room.
'So, what's so important?' Alex asked when we were all settled.
'Get your laptop and go onto Jackson's facebook.' Scott said quietly.

Jalex - Highschool (All Time Low & Teen Wolf crossover - involves Sterek)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora