Chapter 37: Sleeping on my best friend's floor

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Jack's POV

'Jack? Why did my friend say he saw you at the pier today?'

I'd just gotten out of the shower and was sitting in my room on my laptop, talking to the guys and doing homework.

'He must've seen someone else, dad.' I tried to shrug him off.

'I don't think so.' My dad showed me a photo on his phone. 'That's you.' He slammed his fist down on the table, making me jump.
'Were you at the pier?'

'Y-yes dad..' I whispered.
'Why?' He tutted.
'It's April fools day.. We pranked the school and drove to the pier..'
'So you skipped school?'
'Yes dad.'

And with that 'yes dad', my dad hit me. For the first time. He hit me with his clenched fist that was holding his phone, busting my nose.

He then stormed out the door, leaving me sitting alone in my room bleeding. I fumbled around for my phone.

Jack: 'can any of you come over'

I tapped into the group chat, not caring about my spelling or punctuation. I needed help to patch myself up, I don't even think we own medical supplies. And if we do, I don't know where we keep them.

Alex: 'what's wrong Jacky?'
Jack: 'busted nose. Need medical stuff'
Derek, Alex, Stiles, Scott and Isaac: 'be there in 5'

I locked my phone and lay back in my bed, pinching my nose and staring at the ceiling. As soon as I started to feel blood trickling into my throat to choke me, I got up, ran to my bathroom and coughed a lot of blood into the sink.

Oh god no.
The blood.
It's tempting.

No Jack, you can't do this. Not again.

As soon as I was about to start crying and punching walls, my front door downstairs banged open.

'Whoops.' Isaac's voice muttered.
'We're all here Jacky!' Alex shouted
'I'm in my bathro-' I tried to shout but my throat filled with blood again, causing me to splutter up blood into the sink.

They looked like the fucking cast of fucking 'casualty' as they burst into my bedroom, each holding a first aid kit.

'Guys, I'm not dying.'

Alex's face dropped as soon as he saw me, him, Derek and Scott rushing over to me. Isaac and Stiles sat awkwardly on my bed, whistling.

'Stiles, Isaac, go get a bowl of ice.' Scott said whilst opening one of the first aid kits. He took out some cotton balls, dampened them in the sink and dabbed at my nose.

'Ouch.' I yelped.
'Scott, I'll do it' Alex took over and began gently dabbing at my face, cleaning up the blood. He wiped it clean with antiseptic wipes, and then gave me some ice to put on my nose and eye to stop the swelling.

'You guys are the best.' I said as we all sat down on my bed to play video games. 'And also.. My dad's friend saw all of us today.'

'Oh shit.. Wait Jack did he do this to you?' Alex looked me dead in the eyes.

'No no... I just fell.'

'His dad did it.' Derek was also looking at me and could probably tell I was lying.

'Tonight, none of us are going home. We're gonna have a sleepover.' Stiles said whilst setting up Mario kart.

'Let's have a typical slumber party.' Isaac smiled.

'I'll order the food. Pizza or Chinese food?' Derek took out his phone and looked at us all, hoping for a reply.

'Both.' I smiled.

Alex's POV

As I sat on the bed next to Jack watching him kick Derek's ass at Mario kart, I fell more and more in love.

I don't care what Jack does. Just as long as he's happy. And right now, he's completely laughing his ass off and making remarks about Derek. So I'd say he's pretty content.

'I'll get it!' Stiles jumped up as the doorbell rang, returning a few minutes later with a pizza box and a Chinese food bag. 'So the pizza guy and the Chinese food guy awkwardly stared at eachother on your porch. So I told them I was having a party.' He laughed, setting out the food on the floor.

We paused the game just after Jack had beaten Derek, and settled down on the floor to eat like pigs.

'What do girls do at slumber parties?' Stiles asked with his mouth full.
I swallowed my food before answering. 'Let's call Liam and ask him.' I took out my phone, foaled Liam's number and put it on speakerphone.

'Liam, what do girls do at slumber parties?'
'How the fuck would I know?'
'I'm gonna beat your ass, Alex.' We all erupted with laughter.
'Hey why wasn't I invited?' Liam asked. I could feel his pout through the phone.
'Because you've been telling us all week that tonight Hayden is staying at your place, so we'll let you get back to that.'
'Alright man, bye.'
'Byeeeeee.' We all shouted as I ended the call.

'Maybe we should have a pillow fight.' Jack said whilst playing with his noodles. I threw a pillow at him, and it landed on his ass.
'Okay.. After we've cleaned the food away I'm gonna beat your ass.' Jack winked at me.
'Can't wait.'

We continued eating until every bit of food was finished, then we cleaned everything up and settled back down in Jack's room.

'Jack when's your dad getting home?'
'Uh.. He probably won't come home tonight. Anyway.' Jack hit me with a pillow. I hit him back, in the process I knocked Stiles over.

Now this started a pillow fight, which turned into a bitch slap fight and then eventually we were all trying to lift eachother.

'Somebody's gonna break their neck! Someone shouted through the chaos. Eventually it stopped and we all broke away from the person we were attacking, with messed up hair and laughing breathlessly.

'Nice hair, Gayskarth.' Jack poked my nose. He knows that every time he calls me that, I'll just make out with him.

So I did.

Earning a few whistles and cheers from our friends.

'Alex, come help me get the bed shit.' Jack took my hand and dragged me into a cupboard where they kept spare pillows and blankets. We took some out and went back into the room, throwing them at the guys. 'Here's your bed.'

They made up makeshift beds on the floor, taking off their shirts and trying to get comfortable. I took off my shirt and got into bed next to Jack, wrapping my arms around his cold body.

'FUCK JACK YOU'RE FREEZING' I yelled, making everyone jump out of their skin.

'Let me warm you up.' I moved closer to him and smuggled him harder, breathing onto his neck.

I do love my Jacky.

Jalex - Highschool (All Time Low & Teen Wolf crossover - involves Sterek)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin