Chapter 35: Who could deny these butterflies?

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Alex's POV

'J-Jack?' I choked.

Jackson and one of his dumb guy minions turned round to face me.

'What the fuck do you want, Gayskarth?' Jackson glared at me, hustling away from his companion.

'Just getting my phone..' I tried to hold in my laughter.

I grabbed my phone and I was out of there.

Jack. The guy said Jack cause it's short for Jackson. Is Jackson gay? Is he bisexual? Or is he just fucking around with everyone?

I breathed a sigh of relief. Whilst walking back to my class, I walked past Jack's classroom. I knocked on the door and entered the room.

'Hey, miss? Can I talk to Jack outside for a sec?' She nodded and waved her hand. Jack looked completely bewildered as he stepped outside the classroom and closed the door.

'What's wrong, Lex?' Jack took my hand and squeezed it. 'You look like you've just run a marathon.'

I laughed breathily. 'I just came to tell you that I love you.' I gave him a peck on the lips, smacked his butt and shoved him back inside his classroom before winking at him. He mouthed the words 'I love you too' and I was off.

I got back to my classroom and sat next to Liam. Scott had returned but he was reading a book at a desk whereas we were on the computers. I winked at him and Liam spoke to me.

'Alex.. I really think she's cheating on me. I've just realised something.'
I turned around to face a tired and frustrated looking Liam.
'She did something. Well, she doesn't do something...anymore.'

I looked at him, completely bewildered.

'What do you mean?'

He sighed and scratched his neck. 'She doesn't laugh at my jokes anymore. She doesn't like the music I listen to anymore. She doesn't like watching things with me that I find funny anymore. She doesn't like listening to me talk passionately about things. She doesn't even laugh at me when I sing stupid songs.'

How can you fall out of love or cheat on someone? Every time I look at Jack and he doesn't know I'm looking, I feel like his smile or laugh is a reward.

'I guess the key word there is anymore?' I patted him on the back.

He sighed again. 'Yep.'

'Man.. That fucking sucks. I'll talk to her the next time I see her. This could all just be a miscommunication thing, you never know.'

'I guess.'

Jack's POV

I walked back into class blushing my ass off and took my normal seat where Stiles and Isaac were smiling at me.

'What're you smiling at?' I asked, still blushing.
'Nothing.. What did Alex want?' Isaac rested his head in his hands.
'Nothing..' I blushed, again.

Anyway, today was Tuesday. Tomorrow is April fools day, and coach had allowed us to have our dance on Friday night. So we have a few days to plan this complete scam.

Well, I guess it's not a scam. People are paying for their tickets and the money will go towards shit like decorations and food. Any leftovers can go to charity or homeless people.

'Hey Jack, tell Alex to check his photos.' Isaac laughed at me.

'What have you done..' I sighed whilst laughing. I took out my phone and text Alex like Isaac asked.

I started doodling and writing down random guitar chords for a few minutes when Alex text the group chat.

Alex: 'guys we have to meet up at the changing rooms right now'
Derek: 'we have practice now anyway Alex, see you there'

I wonder what's so important?

The bell rang as soon as I put my phone away and we made our way to the changing rooms where Alex was bouncing up and down, surrounded by the rest of our friends. He smiled at me and I got butterflies.

'What's so important, Lex?'
'Well.. After I came to find my phone I found a couple making out. But they can tell you that themselves.'

Isaac blushed and Scott hid his face.

No way, them two? I did not see that coming.

'Anyway,' Alex lowered his voice when other people filed into the room. 'Jackson was in here. Making out. With him.' Alex nodded towards a guy that just walked in. Ethan? I think that's his name.

'No way!'
'Are you kidding?'
'Shhh!' Alex hushed us all. 'Better still, when Isaac here took my phone to make a video of him & Scott saying hi and shit, and also taking 183 photo, they forgot to end the recording. So I have a video on my phone of Jackson making out with that guy.'

'Holy shit..' Scott gasped.
'Great work Isaac.' I high fived him.
'Sooo.. Can we hook this up to the big screen at the dance?' Stiles raised his hand.
'Yup. And now we just need to sell tickets, and fast.' Alex scratched his neck.
'Make them like a dollar each. That's cheap as shit. And invite people of all ages.' Rian smiled deviously.
'I made invitations so Stiles and I will set up a table and sell some tomorrow.' Derek smiled.
'Jack and I will handle decorations.' Alex looked at me and made me blush, again. Fuck.

'Liam, Rian, Zack and I can gather food and make a list of shit to get.' Scott looked up and shrugged.

'Great. So we're all set, any questions, put them in the group chat.' Alex clapped and smiled.

'Are we all set for April fools day tomorrow?' I shot out of my seat and stood up.
'Hell yeah! Got my water pistol and water balloons all filled up.' Stiles said enthusiastically. Everyone else nodded.

'Jack, I'm coming over to your house after school and we're gonna buy water balloons, fill them up and put them in a box or bag for tomorrow.' Alex looked at me hopefully.
'Okay.' I fucking blushed again. Goddammit.

'Alright ladies, lets kit up and do some laps!' Coach entered the room and we all did as we were told.


I looked at Alex in the car next to me, singing like an angel again. I love admiring him. His perfect styled brown hair, his dark brown eyes, his pink lips..

He's perfect.
Well, he's my definition of it.

'Alright, stay here and I'll go get the water balloons.' Alex pulled over at a corner store, squeezed my hand and got out.

I love him.

As I watched his ass when he walked away and into the store, I laughed. Laughed at how perfectly happy I am right this moment.

Just because it's a sunny day, I'm in Alex's car listening to greenday, and cause I'm with him. Well, I was. Till he went into the store.

He came out a few minutes later with some dog food and a packet of water balloons, condoms and normal balloons.

'Okay Alex, firstly I don't really like the taste of dog food and why did you get condoms?'

'Well...' He winked. 'They make great water balloons. But, I'm gonna keep one just incase.'


I giggled and we glided down the road to my house where my dad was nowhere to be seen.

I got a cardboard box out of the garage and joined Alex in my back yard where he was using the outside tap to fill up condoms and balloons.

'We're only gonna hit friends and people we don't like, right?'

'Yes. And teachers.' Alex smiled.

Halfway through filling up the balloons, Alex flicked water at me.

'Hey!' I yelped. I flicked him back and we had a water flicking fight, until Alex shouted.

'Wait wait wait'
'We need to stop.'
'My hairs gonna get fucking wet!'
'You're gay.' I laughed.

And with that, Alex dropped the water balloon on the ground and put his hands on my face, pulling me into his embrace and kissing me passionately.

And guess what?

I blushed.

Jalex - Highschool (All Time Low & Teen Wolf crossover - involves Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now