Chapter 13: I can keep a secret if you can keep me guessing

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Alex's POV

'So are we gonna hang around the boys bathroom until we catch them?'
'Yup.' I nodded.
Myself, Jack, stiles, Scott, Derek, Liam, Zack & Rian had all decided we were gonna stand outside the boys bathroom until we got proof of Jessica cheating.

Obviously we couldn't stand there all day, like we had class, but we had a plan.
If Jessica or Jackson weren't in class, then we'd go check the boys bathroom.
If we had a free period, we'd sit in the boys bathroom.
Basically if we had any free time, we'd check the bathroom and see if they were in there. This could take ages, but it'd be totally worth it. Even if I do lose my popularity and everyone's respect, I have an awesome group of friends.

Jack's POV

I wonder if she actually is cheating. Like, there's nothing positive.
Everyone looks up to Jessica, someone simply could've been wearing the same shoes as her. She's like a role model, even though she had a shit personality.
We'll find out soon enough.
'Okay so, Jack & I have religion first and Jackson is in that class, so if he's not there then we're gonna sneak up here.' Alex looked at me and smiled.
'Agreed. Hands in.' Stiles said. We all put our hands in and lifted them up on the count of three, with stiles saying 'go team secret'. Good lord.

We all went our separate ways to class, and when Alex & I arrived at religion, Jackson was already sitting in his seat. We looked at eachother, shrugged and turned away.
Alex's phone bleeped.
'Hey dude, Jessica isn't in math.'
We read the text from Scott together, and were quite confused.
'What? But Jackson's here.'
'I'm gonna go check it out.'
We waited patiently for a few minutes, getting into our seats, getting out our books and settling into class.
Alex's phone buzzed, he took it out to reply but was soon interrupted.
'Mr Gaskarth, if you'd be so kind as to hand over your phone.'
'What? Come on. This is important.'
'As is learning about The Gospel of Luke. Now hand me your phone.'
Alex clenched his fist under the table, hesitated for a second, sighed loudly and handed over his phone.
We both groaned and plonked our heads onto the table.
'You can have it back at the end of the lesson.'
Well, at least it wasn't the end of the day.
We got on with our boring work, and at the end of the lesson Alex was given a lecture and finally his phone.
We both quickly opened the text message, but Scott ran straight into us.
'So, I heard moaning, went in to check it out but I couldn't see anything. There was a bag blocking the gap under the door so I couldn't see their shoes, but I think it was too high pitched to be Jessica.'

Alex's POV

'Who's talking about me, babe?' She appeared beside me, placing a smooch on my lips. Yuck. I really want proof so I can be done with her.
'Nothing. Why weren't you in math?' Jack questioned.
'None of your fucking business, you stupid prick. Let's go Alex.'
'No, I'd rather stay with these guys. And don't you ever fucking speak to Jack like that again.'
'What happened?'
Now Lydia had appeared.
'Nothing Lyds.' Jessica lied.
Scott said clearly but quietly, 'Jess called Jack a stupid prick.'
Lydia handed her purse to Jack.
'Oh did she?'
Jess gripped my arm and tried to back away, but I stood still, making it impossible for her to move without me.
'Yeah she did.' Us three guys said in unison.
'Alex!' Jess wailed.
'Jack baby, hold my earrings.' Lydia handed her expensive diamond earrings to Jack, and Jack stood there quite cluelessly holding them. After a while he held them up to his ears. 'Do these suit me? I might get a pair.' We laughed.
Lydia had a stone cold serious face, and went in for the kill. She grabbed Jessica by the hair, pulling out her extensions. She shook her and dug her fake nails into her head, trying to kick her but failing as she was wearing 5 inch heels.
'Don't you ever talk to my boyfriend like that again!'
'Get off me you crazy bitch!'
'I want my friendship bracelet back!'
'I'll tell everyone your secret!'
It was at that point we decided it was time to break the fight up. The girls had gathered quite a crowd cheering them on, including Derek & Stiles.

Scott grabbed Lydia and Jack grabbed Jess. Well that didn't end well.
'Jack, don't you dare fucking touch her!' Lydia ran out of Scott's grip, and straight back to Jessica. Myself, Scott & Derek had to drag her away, Jack and Stiles taking Jessica in the opposite direction.
As soon as we were far enough away, we let Lydia go. She fixed her hair and tottered into the girls bathroom. She came out looking absolutely perfect, well she looked like a barbie.
'So Lydia, what's her secret?'
She sighed and patted me.
'I love her really. I can't tell you, it'd be breaking a pinky swear. She'll tell you soon enough. Ta ta.'
She blew us a kiss and tottered off again.

Jack's POV

'So Jess, what's your secret?'
'It wouldn't be a secret if I told you now, would it?' I sighed. It was worth a try. Alex could use this against her, cause 'couples aren't meant to have secrets' well he has a big secret, he fucking hates her.
'Okay.. Can you give me a clue?'
'Not a chance, Barakat. Now I gotta go, Lydia just texted me saying we're going to the mall.'
'But she just ripped your extensions out in a massive fight!'
'Yeah, and she's gonna treat me to new ones. We can't fight for long. Chow.'
And off she went. Stiles & I just looked at eachother and sighed.
'Now do you see why I'm gay?'
'Dude, I'm honestly considering it myself.'
What? Did I just say that? Oh god.
'Oh really? Any boys in mind?'
Could I tell him?
'Well.. Alex & I sorta..' I wanted to play with his mind a bit. His eyes widened. 'Fucked..'
'I KNEW IT. Who was the top?!'
'Jackson was, it was a threesome.'
He looked horrified for a second.
'Dude, next time invite me.'
'I'm joking stiles.' I said after a while of completely dying of laughter.
'Damn you, Barakat.'

We met up with Alex, Scott & Derek. Derek wrapped his arm around stiles whilst Scott continued to have a conversation with Stiles. Alex smiled at me.

We walked together talking and laughing, and soon enough Jackson and his friends past us. It went past like slow motion. I felt something hard hit me in the shoulder, Jackson had completely walked into me.
'Watch it, you prick.' Alex shouted.
'Yeah!' Stiles joined in. He's so dopey.
'Or what?'
'Just fuck off Jackson.' Derek stood in front of him, being a lot taller than him, Jackson got intimidated and cowered away.
'Why's he picking on me, Lex?'
'I have no idea Jacky, but I'm gonna find out.'
Alex gives me butterflies. He's just so damn gorgeous all the time, he smells great, his skin is always warm to touch and he sticks up for me.

I just really want to repay him and sort out this stupid Jessica situation, I hate seeing him so confused and frustrated cause he can't figure it out.

But really, what's her secret and where was she during math?

Jalex - Highschool (All Time Low & Teen Wolf crossover - involves Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now