Chapter 46: Running from lions

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Jack's POV

Who actually enjoys studying?
Not me.
We need to sit a few exams, and senior year is over. Time for college, gap years, jobs.. ugh.
Most of us want to go to the same college, so I guess that's a bonus. We can all get a place together and pay rent, shit like that.
I think I'll miss high school. Crazy, right? I'll miss my other friends, I'll miss lacrosse, I'll miss playing pranks..
I'll miss being young and careless.
I guess I really should be more appreciative cause one day I'm gonna be a sad man paying bills whilst my kids ask me for money.
Oh god I'm really gonna miss being joint team captain with Alex.
'Barakat. Are you listening?'
Oh shit. I'm daydreaming again in gym class.
'Yeah, sorry coach.'
'That reminds me, I need to talk to you and Gaskarth. My office. Now.'
Alex and I looked at eachother fearfully as we got out of our seats and marched in coach's office.
'Yeah, coach?' Alex leaned on the table.
'What college are you boys planning on going to?'
'We were looking at Stanford.'
'Well, you've both got an opportunity to get there on a sports scholarship.'
'Coach, what?! How?'
'I'm not gonna beat around the bush. You're great captains and two college scouts are coming to keep an eye on the lacrosse team, they're selecting ten for a scholarship. And you two got a good recommendation from your favourite coach.' He smiled.
'Woah, thanks coach.'
'No problem, you deserve it. Now scram.'
'Wait, are they coming to the next game? Tomorrow?'
'Yeah, they'll be there.'
'Can we meet them?' I asked, still stunned.
'Sure.' We were ushered out of coach's office and back into class.
'Lex, you need to help me work on my college application tonight.' I smiled, whispering to Alex as we sat back down in our seats just as the bell rang.

Alex's POV

'Wait... so we all have the opportunity to get a scholarship? I won't have to pay $1,046 a year?!' Derek's mouth hit the ground.

'Pretty much, year.'

'They'll be at the game tomorrow and we get to meet them afterwards, so everyone be prepared.

'I DON'T EVEN HAVE A COLLEGE APPLICATION!' Stiles gasped, dragging Derek and running towards his car to go home and work on his application as we all chuckled.

'I'll see you guys later anyway, don't wanna miss the bus.' The rest of the guys pretty much said, leaving Jack and I alone walking hand in hand towards my car.

'Your place or mine?'

'Alex, I've never met your parents.'

I looked at Jack, wide eyed. I don't want him to meet my Dad, he'll be drunk by now.

'Let's go to yours.' I said, smiling and unlocking my car.

'Lex, why can't I meet your parents? I wanna see your dog!'

'Uh.. my mom's at work.' I said, lying. She'll be home by now and properly out on a walk with Chesca.
'And what about your Dad?'

I don't like lying to Jack, but sometimes a lie can be better than the truth. 'He'll be at work too.'

'I didn't know your Dad worked.'

I feel so nervous, I'm literally sweating. Jack's my boyfriend, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. But I can't stop myself from lying.

'Ah fuck..' A strange voice spoke. Jack and I looked over at the car parked beside us, as the engine wouldn't start but it was a convertible which explained why we could hear him.

'Car trouble?' I asked, looking at the driver as he looked back at me and our faces changed completely.

It was Theo, the guy that Jackson was making out with.

'Uh, yeah. The dumb thing is fucked.'

'I'd offer to help, but we don't know shit about cars. But we'll give you a ride home and you can call a tow truck.' Jack smiled sweetly at Theo.

How is Jack so nice to everyone all the time?

'That's be great.' Theo smiled back as he took out his phone, called for a tow truck for his Matte Black Porsche Carrera GT and then got into the back seat of my car.

'So Theo, why aren't you on the lacrosse team?'

'Actually I am, coach called me to his office today and said he'd read my sports history and wanted to put me on the team.'

'Why didn't coach ask us about that...?' Jack whispered.

'Are you team captain or something?' Theo asked.

'Yeah. Joint team captains. We don't mind you being on the team, it's cool. But coach keeps doing shit without asking us.' I said, a little bit agitated by coach.

'Oh, uh.. sorry.'

'Don't worry about it. Now, where do you live?' I drove out of the school parking lot.

'My street is called Beacon Hills, I live at the top end.'

'That's my street too!' Jack shouted, turning around and smiling at Theo.

'Well, hey neighbour!' They laughed.

I chuckled lightly, but honestly I'm cautious of this guy.

We made small talk as I drove Theo to his house and parked outside.

'Thanks, guys!'

'No problem.' I smiled as Theo got out and went into his house.

'You were quiet.' Jack said as I drove the short distance to his house.

'Yeah, I'm still a bit weird about him.'

'Why, Lex?'

'Cause I have a video of him making out with Jackson on my phone, and they used tongues.' I laughed at Jack, making a slurping sound.

'Aleexxx!!' Jack laughed back as he opened his car door.

'Your dad's at work.' I eyed the empty driveway as Jack took out his keys.

'He'll probably bring food home with him. Let's go work on our college applications.' Jack smiled, dragging me upstairs and shoving me into this bedroom where I sat down and took my laptop out of my bag.

'Oh god, I haven't updated this in months.'

'I haven't updated mine in a year.' I laughed, scrolling through my application and changing a few things around, tapping away at the keyboard as Jack did the same.

'Lex, do we write about the dance we arranged?'

'Uh huh. We arranged $250 for charity.'

'True, true.'

We worked on our applications for about an hour, when my mom texted me saying she hadn't have been able to take Chesca out on a walk cause she was called to work.

'Jacky, I gotta go. My dog needs me.'

'I'm your dog, and I need you.' Jack laughed, looking at me.'

'Alright bitch, I love you.' I planted on Jack's lips as he pulled away and gently kissed my hands.

'See you tomorrow morning?'

'See you then, I love you! Lexy!'

I smiled, closing the door behind me and made my way to my car.

'Hey Alex!' Theo was walking past Jack's house out of breath.

'Hey.. why are you all sweaty?'

'I just went for a run.' Theo smiled, taking out his earphone and sipping from his water bottle.

'Ah. Makes sense.' I smiled, unlocking my car.

'Anyways, see you tomorrow.' Theo smiled and continued jogging.

Why the fuck does he smile so much? He's so polite, it's creepy.

I looked up at Jack's bedroom window when I'd gotten into my car, where he was standing blowing kisses at me and mouthing 'Byeeeeee.'

I waved and blew a kiss to him, before driving off.

Jalex - Highschool (All Time Low & Teen Wolf crossover - involves Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now