Chapter 36: I feel like a bad joke

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Jack's POV

I've said this before, but I love my friends.

Today is April fools day, and right now I'm sitting in the backseat of a four door black pickup truck.


Oh. Derek's family was loaded, so when they all died he inherited everything.

Yeah he also owns a black quad bike and loads of skateboards.

We take April fools day seriously.

So in the front of the truck was Derek and Stiles, the backseat of the truck was myself, Alex and Liam, and Scott, Zack, Isaac and Rian were out the back of the truck, probably sweating their asses off wearing complete black and they're al guarding the quad bikes and skateboards.

'Alright, so let's go over our plan. The cheerleaders have practice first thing this morning. We're gonna go there, soak them and then skate away.' Alex plotted it out.

'Right. And at lunch Derek and Stiles are gonna drive around on the quad bike, soaking anyone that's a cheerleader or lacrosse player.' I smiled, hoping I'd got it all right.

'And teachers.' Liam added.

'We're almost there guys, put your beanies and sunglasses on, hoods up and masks on.' Derek looked in the mirror and made a turn into the school driveway.

We'd all gotten masks. Instead of getting cool ones, we'd all gotten dumb animal masks that a kid would wear at a birthday party.

The guys out the back of the truck put the cover over it so nobody could steal the bike, and so it wouldn't get rained on.

We did as Derek told us to do, and all got out of the car. The guys in the back passed us our skateboards, water guns and water bombs.

My favourite thing is that under our shirts, we all have a belt like the ones that cops have, but instead of guns and tazers, we have tiny water guns and water bombs.

We strolled up to the school with literally everyone staring at us, probably thinking we're either murderers or just insane people.

So as we strolled through the school doors, we got on our skateboards and skated our way to the gym room where the cheerleaders were.

Isaac and Scott busted open the doors and we all skated in, pelting everyone in the room with water balloons and squirting them with water guns.

They did not look happy. At all. But we were laughing and felt awesome.


'Shit.' We all looked at eachother with panic when our water guns quickly became empty, and we were chased out of the gym by angry cheerleaders and wet teachers. Oh god a wet teacher is not a good thought.

'Split up!' Derek yelled through the chaos.

Alex grabbed my hand and dragged me down a corridor, and I noticed we were being followed by Isaac and Scott.

Scott ran into an empty science lab and pulled us all with him.

'What're we gonna do?' I asked breathlessly.
'Skateboards aren't good getaways.' Isaac collapsed on the floor in a pool of exhaustion of sweat.
'Fill up your guns.' Scott said, completely calm and closing the blinds on the door.

I dragged myself off the floor, still out of breath, and filled up all my guns in the classroom sink.

'Do we go to class or just hide all day?' Isaac asked us all.
'If we don't go to class, then the school is gonna call our parents.' I groaned.
'Unless we go tell the receptionist what's going on with our prank, she's a friend of my moms.' Alex smiled. 'Be back in a minute.'
'Alex! Take your mask and jacket off!' I grabbed his hand. Nobody could suspect who we were.
'Thanks, Jacky.' He planted a kiss on my lips and snuck out the door.

Isaac, Scott and I took a drink of water and waited on Alex to return.

He came back with a smile on his face. 'Sorted. If any teacher asks her about us, she's gonna cover. I'll tell the rest of the guys in the group chat to meet up here and I'll tell them the plan.'

'Are we gonna hang here until lunch?' Scott asked.
'I guess so. Or we could go up to the library.' I said hopefully.
'Alex tell them to meet at the library.'

We all left the room and snuck upstairs to the library where we all hid behind a bookshelf and covered in a pile of jackets. I snuggled in beside Alex and listened to his heartbeat.

Alex's POV

'Everyone shh.. I think Jack's asleep.' I looked down at the snoring dark haired boy asleep in my lap. He's so damn adorable. I'm so lucky.

Everyone silenced themselves and some of the guys began to read or flick through some of the books. I stroked Jack's hair gently and my fingers brushed against his neck lightly, making him squirm slightly. I guess he's ticklish.

When lunchtime came about three hours later, we were all ready and adrenalised.

'Let's go make people wet.' I yelled as we all charged out of the library with our loaded water guns and bombs.

Stiles & Derek ran off to the parking lot to get on the quad bike, leaving the rest of us to run around the cafeterias and courtyards soaking people.

I even hit Jackson in the face and balls with our biggest water bombs made out of lube covered condoms. So now, he's covered in water and lube. Fantastic.

Obviously he chased me, but I didn't become team captain for being slow. So I ran until I tired him out, and he gave up.

Soon enough, we had pretty much the whole school chasing us.

A lot of people were cheering us on though, cause we soaked all the kids and teachers that nobody likes.

Eventually we couldn't outrun the crowd anymore.

'Get in the truck!' Derek yelled as him and Stiles tied the quad bike down.

Derek climbed into the front seat, the rest of us packed out back because we didn't have time to open the door.

'Where are we gonna go?' Derek yelled through his window.

'The pier!' I yelled back happily.

Derek drove all of us smoothly to the pier, and even turned up the radio so that we'd be able to hear it.

We drove along in the cool breeze, all of us completely content and giggly.

We parked up at the pier, got out and immediately started chasing eachother towards the water. I threw Jack over my shoulder, ignoring his helping and squirming and walked over to the ocean. I bent down so that his hair went into the water, but then his squirming got a bit too much for me to handle so we both plummeted into the water laughing.

'Jack!' We yelled at eachother laughing.
'Well, at least salt water is good for your pores.' I said whilst smoothing out my skin.
'You're gay.' Jack splashed water at me.
'So are you.' I jumped on him and kissed him roughly, lying on the sandy shallow water.
'I love you.' I murmured whilst nibbling his lip.
'We all love you!' The rest of the guys yelled from a few metres away, before jumping off the pier and into the ocean.
'That looks fun!' Jack bolted up and grabbed my hand, dragging me towards the pier where the guys had jumped in.
'Can you swim?' I asked Jack.
'Of course! Hold my hand and jump on three. One, two, three!'

And we plummeted into the water below us, surrounded by laughter, warm sunshine and cool air.

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