Chapter 4: This is how we do

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Jack's POV

'So I was thinking we could do this..'
I wasn't listening. I'd completely switched off.
Lydia was sitting beside me on the school bus on a Thursday morning, yapping about prom.
I interrupted her.
'Hey, are you gonna go to Jessica's party with me tonight?'
She frowned. 'No babe, my mom wants to take me prom dress shopping. She's paying for the dress so I'm not complaining.'
'Prom is in two months..'
She snapped. 'Exactly. I'm getting a good dress before they're all gone.'
I sighed and plugged in my earphones, appreciating the beauty of Blink-182. Me ignoring her was probably irritating her, but I was too tired to care.

Alex's POV

I loved Thursday's for two reasons. 1, we had lacrosse practice that lasted two hours away from all women. 2, my mom always left me a doughnut with my breakfast. I don't know why, but she's done it since I was little.
Today was the day of the dreaded birthday party. I'd gotten Jessica a silver necklace with a heart on it, that she'd probably end up complaining about. As school ended at 3pm, and we finished practice at 5pm, I had 3 hours to get ready. I told her I was going to arrive with everyone else, which she didn't have a problem with cause she wanted to get ready with her 'girlfriends'. Thank god, I would've choked to death on their shitty perfume if I was there.
Jessica wasn't coming to school today, she wanted time to decorate her house or some shit. She was probably gonna run around all day with her 'rich Daddy' to buy alcohol, pizza, balloons and most likely a tiara. She was dumb. I've never actually slept with her, the thought of her expensive yet disgusting perfume on my sheets makes me gag. She's never met my mom either. I don't think she'll be a keeper.

I sat at the back of the bus with Scott. Stiles was too busy making out with Derek to listen.
'How long do you think it'll be before they come up for air?'
'I dunno man.. Like ten minutes'
'Bet on it?' I asked slyly.
'You're on. Five bucks.'
I knew they'd have to stop smooching before then, because we arrived at school in about 2 minutes. But Scott was too dumb to notice.

We pulled up outside school.
'Five bucks please, Mr McCall.'
'You suck, Alex.' He said slapping the money into my hand.
'Hey come on man, I'll buy you a sandwich at lunch'. He perked up a little and smiled. 'Fine.' I jumped on his back and rode him, yes I'm aware that sounds wrong; all the way to English class.

Jack's POV

'Lydia, I'll be fine at practice by myself.'
'Are you sure?' She said cheekily wrapping her arms around my neck. 'I could be your nurse if you get hurt.' I didn't even have a chance to barf as she stuck her lips on mine and smooched me loudly. Thank god she wasn't in my next class.
I pulled away. 'Hey babe, we gotta go to class now.'
'Okay, keep those lips warm.'
She strutted away, probably thinking she looked like hot, but honestly she looked like bambi trying to walk in heels on ice.

I put my books in my locker and groaned. I closed the door and there was a happy looking Liam.
'Thankyou, for putting me on the team.'
'Dude you've been on the team since like first grade...'
'I know, but still. Thanks.' He smiled. He knew he was only on the team cause he was my friend, but over the years he'd actually gotten pretty good. The only one that remained bad but we kept him on cause he was our friend; was Stiles.
I slapped Liam on the back and walked to English class with him. I walked past the room that some of my other grade was in, including Alex & Scott.
'Hey Jack hold on a sec and watch this'
I sighed, we were late for class and everyone in the other class was seated. He lightly knocked the door of the classroom with Scott & Alex in it, and opened it.
Hey, excuse me miss but Scott the janitor is looking for you, something about leaving stains in the bathroom. Sorry again Miss.'
He left and we heard the whole classroom erupt with laugher, Scott turning bright red. 'ASSHOLE!' We heard him shout after us and then get shouted at by the teacher for using 'foul language'
We arrived at our classroom next door, completely red and out of breath.
'Sorry we're late.' I muttered as we took our seats and started silently laughing again.

Alex's POV

Class ended. 'Hey Scott remember to see the janitor okay?' He punched my arm and we went our separate ways. We had one class left, Religion, before the day was over and we had lacrosse practice.
I slumped down in my seat beside the one and only Jack Barakat. 'Hey dude' I said.
He lifted his head and looked quite sad.
'Hey Jack, you good?'
'Fucking fine.'
His stone stung me. His phone beeped and I saw that he was texting his dad about something. Maybe his dad had been mean?
'So are you going to practice and the party?' I said trying to make small talk.
'Oh yeah, would it be cool if I went to the party with you? Lydia can't go cause she's going dress shopping.' He rolled his eyes.
'Dude what for? Are you getting married?' I chuckled.
'Prom.' We both groaned.
'Yeah of course, I didn't really wanna go there by myself. Text me your address and I'll pick you up at 8 okay?'
'Okay.' He smiled. It sounded like I was asking him out on a date.

Jack's POV

I'm so happy that I don't have to turn up by myself. All my friends are arriving with their partners. Alex was sweet, like he really wanted to go with me.

The bell rang and we excitedly looked at eachother.

Lacrosse practice.

'Matt, you're going the wrong way!'
'No, Jackson, hit it harder!'
'Stiles if you grab Derek's ass one more time I swear I'll bench you.'
Practice was always fun, but the first practice after winter break was always tough cause everyone was getting used to it.
But overall, it went pretty well. Everyone respected Alex & I as team captains, and they put their trust in us. Until suddenly..

Jackson walked up to Alex.
'Alex, if you tell me what to do one more fucking time...'
Alex sighed and dropped his stick.
'I'm your fucking team captain dude, remember?'
'I don't take orders from anyone!'
'This is everyone's field here, but we are your captains and you have to listen to us.'
Jackson looked really worked up. Alex was being really calm, but Jackson wasn't having it. The whole team had gathered round now, and nobody knew where the coach was.
Jackson clenched his fists. He swung at Alex, but Alex caught his arm before it hit him in the face.
'Jackson, I will kick you off the team.' I said calmly. He had perfect eye contact with Alex though. He grumbled and pulled his arm out of Alex's grab. He angrily walked off to the changing room, throwing his kit on the floor.
'Okay, I think that's enough for today, everyone clear out and enjoy your day off tomorrow.'
Alex said before looking over at me. He looked like he dealt with that type of anger every day, I wonder where..
'Jack, I'll pick you up at around 8?'
'Kay.' I smiled and walked off behind him to the changing rooms.

Jalex - Highschool (All Time Low & Teen Wolf crossover - involves Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now