Chapter 32: You make me wanna tear my fucking hair out

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Alex's POV

'Jack.. It's best if you let Alex see first and let him decide whether to show you..' Isaac mumbled and patted him on the shoulder.

What the fuck am I about to look at..?

I turned the laptop around to face me and opened up Jackson's profile.
'10 new uploads to the album Gayskarth and Barafag'

Jackson had gotten access to the fucking CCTV in school. And there were also some clear cellphone photos.

There were photos of us making out in the shower, me comforting Jack when he's crying, me getting angry and clenching my fists, Jessica & me making out in the bathroom, Jack's panic attack at prom, Jack getting beaten up..

But then two photos really stuck out, making my mouth drop.

One of Jack today, rolling up his sleeve to scratch his arm and the visible cuts.
And one collage photo of Jack & I side by side, crying in the boys bathroom.

I remember that. I was crying cause of how much I fucking hated Jessica. I wonder if Jack was crying cause he hated Lydia.

'What the fuck.. No Jack, you can't see these..' I stuttered.
'Too bad.' Jack spoke from looking at his phone, throwing the phone to the floor and standing up to pace back and forth.

'Stiles doesn't this count as harassment or posting photos without permission? Can't we tell your dad?' I thought long and hard then looked up at stiles.

'I've told him. He's gonna see what he can do, but he can't really touch Jackson cause his dad is one of the richest bastards in this town.'

'What the fuck are we gonna do..?' Jack said clearly, but with tears in his eyes. 'I look pathetic Alex.'

'No Jack, you don't. We're coming up with a revenge plan right now.' Derek guided Jack to sit beside me on the bed.

'Could we dish out some shit on him? For April fools day?' Liam said desperately.

'Let's not fall to his level. I have an idea of something we can do tomorrow to show that we don't give a fuck about what Jackson or anyone thinks about us.' I grabbed Jack's hand and spoke loud and clear. 'Tomorrow, Jack you're gonna wear a t-shirt and not cover those cuts. Do any of you guys have scars or secrets?'

Isaac spoke sheepishly. 'I have scars..'
'Me too..' Stiles said, putting his head down.

'Show them off. And I'm gonna write one of my biggest secrets on a label and stick it to my clothes. I don't care about what Jackson says about us. All I care about are the people in this room.'

'Same.' Everyone nodded and said in unison.

'Are we all in?'

Jack's POV

Honestly, I'm kinda shitting myself. I've never shown off my scars before.

But, Alex is right. I shouldn't be ashamed of my scars, cause they're a part of me. And now, I have nothing to hide. Cause everyone in the fucking school knows.

My phone buzzed as the guys were talking in the group chat.

Stiles: 'anyone else feel like we should be wearing matching outfits?'
Liam: 'we could all wear black and then stick labels to our backs saying our biggest secrets'
Alex: 'let's do it'

Ughhhh. So now I have to get out of bed and find something black to wear. I got a shower last night so I guess I'm good in that department.

I got up, put on black skinny jeans, black military boots, a black v-neck and a black denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

Derek: 'nobody get the bus. Alex and I will pick you guys up'

I waited by the window in my room, knowing that Alex would be picking me up any minute now.

I was right, Alex pulled up outside my house with his windows rolled down and blaring out Taylor swift.

He'd do anything to make me laugh.

Today was quite hot, so I picked up my sunglasses, a bottle of water, my house keys and I was ready to go.

Alex's POV

Why the fuck did I choose to wear a black leather jacket when it's so fucking hot?

Jack came outside laughing at me, probably cause it was 8:30am and I'm sitting outside his house blaring Taylor Swift with the windows down.
'Lex people are trying to sleep!' He said through his laughter.
I rested my arm on the window. 'Who cares? Now give me a kiss.' Jack blushed and bent down to give me a kiss before getting into the car.

As he pulled away, I saw his dad standing at the window. So I smiled and gave him a wave.

'Hey Jack, I just waved at your dad and he did not wave back.'
'I'm not surprised.' Jack laughed.

I fucking love his laugh so much. I love to just appreciate him when he talks and sings and just really listen to him.

'Are you sure you're ready for today, Jacky?' I looked nervously at Jack. I mean, I didn't want him to feel peer pressured into shit.

'Yeah.' He smiled and squeezed my hand. 'I'm ready.'

'Right, let's go pick these idiots up and take our anger out in that lacrosse game tonight.'

'Let's do it.' Jack replied.

Jalex - Highschool (All Time Low & Teen Wolf crossover - involves Sterek)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora