Chapter 7: There's nothing surgery can do

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Alex's POV

Dragging my sorry little ass out of bed in the morning was never easy. Especially when it was a Sunday morning, I had homework, my mom was at work and my dad was drinking himself to death on the couch.
Oh and also, there was an annoying girl standing outside my front door.
Jessica had phoned me saying she was on her way over to 'talk', whatever the hell that means. I said fine, but she can't knock on my front door cause my dad will answer and ask questions. So she just pulled up outside in her dumb pink mini and I clambered out of bed and down the stairs to get in.
'Alex, where are you going?' He slurred.
'I'll be back in a minute.' And I went out the door before anymore questions could be asked.

Jack's POV

Don't get me wrong, I love Sunday mornings. But I hate every stupid hour that comes after I wake up.
Sunday's are days full of homework, sad thoughts and people posting endless shit on facebook about how we have to go back to school the next day.
I sighed.
I really couldn't be bothered to see my dad today, it's his day off. He'll most likely be doing paperwork or 'out with friends' which is probably just some prostitute, knowing him.
Do I really need to leave my bed.
I miss my friends.
Maybe I should hang out with one of them, unless they're all with their girlfriends. Zack has Catriona and Liam has Hayden. It sucks. I'm not saying they 'neglect' me, but I haven't had a proper conversation with these dudes in months. But I guess I'd be the same, if I was in a happy relationship.

I decided to text Liam anyway, he was in a lot of my classes and he's a bit of a nerd so he'd be able to tell me what homework we had.
'Hey Liam, have we got homework?'
I put down my phone and waited for a reply, that came through about ten minutes later.
'No dude, they went easy on us for once!'
'Thank god.' I replied and continued to cuddle up in my bed sheets.

What I do remember though, is that we have a huge lacrosse match on Friday night. It's the first match of the season.
We had practice on Thursday though so hopefully Alex & I could kick our team into shape by then.

Alex's POV

I sat down in the passenger seat beside my 'girlfriend'.
'What do you want?'
'Hey well that's nice, how about a kiss?' She leaned forward towards me. I gave her a lazy peck and reclined back in my seat, looking at her and waiting.
'I just wanted to thank you, I haven't seen you since my party.'
'Thank me for what?'
'The necklace, silly!' Oh yeah. It looked expensive but really I'd bought it online and shoved it in an expensive looking Pandora box. But I smiled falsely at her.
'No problem, nothing's too good for you.'
'Oh Alex, I think I love you!'
Did she just...
What the fuck do I say? I barely even like the girl! But I don't wanna hurt her feelings, I'm not that bad.
'Ahaha it's no problem, don't worry about it.'
She put her head on my lap, which must've been quite uncomfortable as she was lying across the hand break and gearstick. We lay uncomfortably like that for a few minutes, me felling really awkward.
'So uh.. I got a ton of homework to do and my dads sick so I'm gonna go take care of him okay?'
I felt sick at the thought. He's probably never been sick in his life, just drunk. And when he is drunk, I have to usually clear up his puke and blood when he hurts himself. It fucking sucked.
'Alex, you're so cute!' She gave me a proper smooch. I wasn't in the mood for making out with this leech, so I smiled, pulled away and got out of the car. I really hope she doesn't call me back for some shit.

'Alex.' He slurred again.
'What dad?' I sighed, quite agitated. Honestly, I just wanted to get back up to my room, hang with Chesca and mess around on my guitar like I do every Sunday.
'I don't appreciate your tone.' He could barely speak. 'I'm gonna teach you a lesson.'
I froze.
I really couldn't deal with this.
'Um, okay. Maybe tomorrow.'
I hoped he would be drunk enough to actually believe me, but nope. He threw his bottle at me again, this time it hit me in the chest. The bottle didn't smash when it hit me, but it smashed when it hit the ground and the shock of the bottle caused my stupid ass to fall over and stagger forward slightly, landing in all the broken shards of glass.
'Son of a bitch!' I yelped.
'You sure are.' He staggered away, back into the living room.
What the fuck am I meant to do? Sit here with shards of glass trying to enter my asshole? So slowly, Ever so slowly, I stood up, wincing at the pain. Shards of glass were stuck to my butt cheeks, thighs and behind my knee. I smiled slightly. I call the 'behind my knee area' a knee pit. That's so dumb, like me.

Oh my god.
Am I stupid?
My mom is a fucking nurse.
But hey, guess what.
She's working again.
She throws herself into her work to get away from my dad, and I'm not a little kid anymore so I don't really need her.
She'd have a first aid kit somewhere, right? But god it hurts to move.
I sighed.
I'm used to this.
I'm not gonna drag one of my friends or my 'girlfriend' over here to pull shards of glass out of my ass, I'll deal it myself. Like I usually do.
I felt hot tears roll onto my cheeks.
Shit, this isn't a life I have.
I wiped them away, desperately trying to be strong. But who for? My dad wouldn't care if I died. My friends would get over it. My girlfriend probably just uses me cause I'm hot. Lol. Sorry. It's true. My mom though.. I mean everything to her. I'm her little bobo, as she used to call me when I was little. Speaking of my childhood, Before my dad had a drinking problem we spent all summer working on a treehouse and man it was awesome. Anyway. Who would care? My mom for sure.. Would..Jack care? Maybe I'm just overthinking. But I mean, come on, I kissed him. And he kissed me back. That's gotta mean something, right?

Well, whatever.
There's nobody here to save me now, even Chesca was fast asleep or hiding from my dad, not that she'd be much help anyway, she doesn't even have thumbs. I walk slowly over two the stairs, every step I can feel the glass making me bleed even more.
Is it bad that this isn't the first time this has happened? Except last time the glass got stuck in my feet. Yeah, it hurt. A lot.
I'm not going to the hospital to have some old doctor poke at my ass. No way.
If it's nothing I can't handle then I'll have to get help.
I sighed.
I really don't want anyone seeing my hairy ass crack. Yeah, I only have a hairy ass. I trim my pubes after a horrible incident where they got stuck in my zipper. Yeah. Don't even think about it.

I staggered up to my room, stripped down very slowly and looked in the mirror.
Ey. Not as bad as I thought. But how the fuck am I gonna pull this glass out.

OWOWOWOW I regret trying. It fucking stings.
I need backup, so I picked up my phone. I know just exactly who to annoy.
'Hey, Scott? Could you come and pull some broken glass out of my ass crack?'
I waited for a reply and got one in minutes. 'Can't stiles do it? He's as gay as Elton John.'
'Dude are you crazy? Imagine explaining that to Derek.'
'Fair enough, be there in minutes.'
I'm so thankful he didn't live far away. My dad wouldn't even care that someone else had entered the house, he's too busy shouting at some stupid football game.
Oh yeah, we have a lacrosse game on Friday. Hopefully my ass will be fully recovered by then or I'll look like I've had some severe anal.
I heard a shy knock on my door.
'Hey, I'm here and I bought rubber gloves.'
He actually had. We both laughed and he helped me take off my blood soaked jeans & boxers. My friends are great.
'Jesus Alex, how the hell did this happen?' He exclaimed.
'Well, I landed on my ass in a pile of smashed glass and it hurt.'
'Dude I'm gonna need some tweezers or medical shit.. Wouldn't you be better in hospital?'
'No, cause then I'd pass my mom and I'd have to explain to her how this happened. And then some creepy old guy would poke at my ass crack.'
'Fair enough, where's your first aid kit?'
'There's one in the bathroom, across the hall.'
He wandered out of the room and came back a few seconds later.
'Alright Alex this is gonna hurt like a motherfucker, so bite your pillow.' I closed my eyes tight.
This really is gonna sting, he has to pull out the glass, clean the stupid wounds then bandage me up. Fucking hell.
I jokingly held out my hand and held Scott's.
'Man, I owe you.'
'No dude, I think I'm gonna owe you.'
I struggled to understand what he meant, then I felt the pain of a piece of glass being pulled out of my knee pit.

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