Chapter 3: Come one, Come all

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Alex's POV

'Sooo Alex.. What's happening with prom?'
I almost vomited at the mention of the word. Prom. Just an excuse for people to get drunk and laid.
'I don't know, who are you going with?'
She pulled an irritated face.
'Are you ever gonna ask me? It's in two months.'
'Relax, I have two months to ask you.' I kissed her briskly on the cheek and stumbled off to my first class. Yikes. Religion. None of my friends are in this class, so I sit beside Jack. We occasionally make conversation about lacrosse, but most of the time we don't bother because we just get told to be quiet.

Jack's POV
'Hey Alex.' I smiled as he sat into the chair next to me. He saluted me and pulled out his books.
'Shit Jack, have you got a pen?' I cheekily handed him the one from behind my ear.
'My hero.' He said before taking it from my hand.
We sat in silence for a few seconds before I got bored of the quiet.
'Sooooo.. Alex.'
He looked up. 'Yeah?'
'For the next tryouts for the team, I think we should have just the guys there and no cheerleaders, cause most of the time the guys just go so they can stare at the girls, and then waste our time.'
'I couldn't agree more.' He smiled before going back to his doodle. I couldn't see properly what he was drawing, but I think it was an alien playing guitar.
'Alex do you play guitar?'
He froze.
'Um.. Yeah.. But don't tell anybody.'
I laughed. 'Why not?'
'I don't know dude, some people think it's dorky.'
'Well we can be dorky together.' I winked, cause I play guitar too and I keep it a secret.

'Jack, are you going to Jessica's birthday party?'
'When is it?' I asked.
'Um.. Fuck I don't know when her birthday is. But the party is on Thursday, cause we got no school on Friday and it gives her more time to clean up.'
'Do you mean more time for you to clean up?'
'Probably. Anyway are you going?'
'I don't know man, I'm not invited.'
'Dude the whole school is invited! Go, and bring all your friends.'
'Okay, I'll be there. What time?'
'Probably like 8pm or some shit.'

I smiled at him. Honestly, I'm probably the only popular kid who doesn't like parties. Its a foom full of idiots that smell bad. But oh well, I have to be 'loved' by everyone.

Finally the teacher turned up ten minutes late, and we got to learn even more about the Ten Commandments. Yay.

Alex's POV

I woke up in a pool of dribble. Damn it, I'd fallen asleep in English again being nudged by Scott. Our teacher, Mrs Heady, glaring at me.
'Sorry.' I muttered. Some people in the class were giggling at me. I grabbed Scott's jacket and cleaned up my dribble, waiting patiently until he noticed.

Apparently he had no clue until we were leaving the class and he put his jacket on.
'Why is this wet?'
'Alex I swear to God..'
Before he had a chance to realise fully, I sprinted down the corridor, knocking into a few people. It was going well until I slammed head first into a couple making out, hiding behind an open locker door. The locker hit me straight in the face, cutting my forehead. I slid into the floor.
'Ah fuck..' I muttered.
'I'm so sorry!' The girl muttered, probably embarrassed that she'd got caught making out with someone by his team captain.
'It's cool, just a graze'

I heard Scott scream in the distance. God, he never gives up.

'Anyway, it was lovely meeting you, but I gotta run. Tell Scott McCall that I went to the bathroom.'
And off I ran, straight to the lacrosse field for tryouts.

Jack's POV

I strolled my way to the lacrosse field, Lydia clinging to my arm.
'Why don't you want cheerleaders there?'
'Babe, we don't want girls there at all cause they distract the guys and fuck up our team.'
She stopped dead in her tracks.
'So I can't even go to watch you?'
'Lydia, I'm not even playing, I'm sitting on a bench watching other guys play.'
'I know but you look hot when you do that.'
I rolled my eyes and sighed quietly.
'Hey, I gotta piss.'
She cringed, I only said it cause I know she hates that word.
'Okay, I'll wait here.'
'There's no need for you to wait outside the guys bathroom for me, I'm going straight to the field...'
'And I'll walk you there.'
I sighed. I don't even need to use the bathroom, I just wanted to walk to practice on my own.
I walked into the bathroom, stood against the wall for a few minutes, and walked out again.

She'd gone.
'Lydia?' I called out, wondering why she'd left. I shrugged it off, cause I really don't care where she's gone.
I carried on strolling my way to the field, where Alex was waiting for me. He waved, and I walked over and took my seat beside him.

'Hey so Jack, I was thinking we should take on a couple of the nerds' he said air quoting himself. 'Even if they're shit man, we can give them extra practice, just to help them out confidence wise.'
I smiled at him. He was so kind and completely right, we don't always take on the best players simply cause they have a bad attitude.
'I couldn't agree more.' I smiled as I picked up our jointed notebook and people began to try out.

Alex's POV

'Okay so we're taking on all our usual friends as well as all these others?' I said pointing at our list.
Jack glanced over. 'Yup.' Emphasising the P.
'Cool so, I'll see you on Thursday for practice?'
'I'll be there.'
I gave him a smile and a salute before standing up and walking over to where Jessica was standing and waiting patiently for me.
'Why'd you stay and wait?'
'I had to catch up on some math in the library.'
I sighed. She was great at math, she didn't have any work to catch up on. She just probably watched tryouts from the window and eye up all the guys with their bouncy bums and balls.
'Cool, whatever.' I said before placing an arm on her shoulder and turning round once more to see Jack still sitting on the field, writing something down.

'Come on, let's go back to your place.' She said, dragging me out the school doors.

Jalex - Highschool (All Time Low & Teen Wolf crossover - involves Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now