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Heaven pov
I'm forced to work with Jade or I'll die. She told me to keep in contact with Mateo, but even though I usual,y do, this time I have to go visit him, and I need to have sex with him. I don't want her hurting my family. She already threatened to kill my mom, and right now she has my mom, and 3 sisters in hostage. One is 20, 14, and 15. So I have to do this or they, and I die. I don't want to do this to Mateo, or Majesty, but they would threaten to hurt also my little brother Chance, including Teo, and Majesty. And I care about Mateo.
We've been best friends since 4 years old, and nobody else were our bestfriends. And I have a boyfriend, and I have to cross the line for this mission, or else Jade and the others will hurt my boyfriend too.

Nobody pov
Mateo, and Heaven walked out the club, very drunk. They had their arms on each others shoulders, and were out of it.
"I'm so fuckin wasted, it's not even funny." Heaven said in slurred words.
"Forreal l-like like I can see my bones, out of my bones skin. See?" Mateo said in also slurred words putting his free hand in her face.
She shook her head no. "No bestfriend I'm wasted."
"No, I'm wasted." Mateo said loudly burping.
"No, I'm wasted." She said beginning to laugh.
"No, I am." Mateo said laughing.
"No I am."
"No I am."
"Nooooo." Mateo said sticking out his lips and throwing his head back.
Mateo suddenly fell to the ground, leaving Heaven standing and beginning to lose her balance.
Mateo groaned, while he tried to get up.
Heaven eventually fell on the cement sidewalk, and Mateo got up.
He pulled her up. "Bestfriend. Stawp." He said beginning to walk.
Mateo walked into a parked car, and fell back on the ground.
Heaven laughed, and hiccuped causing her to choke.
"Give yo self a CPR." Mateo said moving his head around while still on the ground.
She stopped choking, and laughed.
Mateo got up, and limped towards her, and helped her up, and they both ended up falling on the ground.
The two laughed.


"W-who's car is this?" Heaven asked flopping her head back and laughing.
"We're the police ma'am, we will take you to a hotel." A police officer said from the front seat beginning to drive.
Both Mateo, and Heaven haven't fell asleep yet, but are very drunk.
The officer turned the block.
"Wooaaahhh." Mateo said falling onto the car floor.
Heaven laughed, and Mateo managed to get up and sit in the seat.
Mateo moved towards Heaven and kissed her.
She pulled away, and fell sideways on the seat. "Bestfriend, what was that?"
"It's a swooshhhh." Mateo said.
She sat back up, and began rolling her tongue while crossing her eyes, and rocking back and forth.
Mateo kissed her again, and pushed her down going on top of her, deepening it.
Slow bucks for them because they drunk lmao.

The next morning.

Heaven woke up in a hotel room on a bed, and she looked down at herself under the comforters to see her naked.
She grew nervous.
She looked to her left to see Mateo also naked under the comforters, in a soundless sleep. He wasn't even snoring, and you could barely hear his breaths, and his mouth was slightly open.
She shook Mateo even more nervous. Mateo woke up, and stared at her.
"W-what did we do?" She asked eagerly.
Mateo's eyes widened. "Shit." He said gripping his hair and sitting up.

Heaven pov
I was about to freak out, but I remembered about what I needed to do. I know I had to have sex with him, but I didn't expect it to be like this.
"I-I have a-" I was the cut off myself feeling like I'm about to throw up.
I feel lightheaded, and have a migraine.
I get up, and run to the bathroom with myself ending up vomiting everything I ate the day before.
I don't remember anything that happened.
I so confused.

Mateo pov
I keep telling myself to go back to Maj, and stop myself from doing this but it happened.
And now, it seems like Heaven is pregnant.
I don't remember anything that happened though.
I'm so confused.
I looked around, and saw our clothes and shoes everywhere.

I just had sex with my best friend.

But it's not Heavens fault.

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