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I've been very kind in the last two chapters, so why don't I be more kind in this chapter? You all deserve it for being so lovely anyway. Enjoy x

The moon shined bright into Liam's bedroom. Inside of the windows showed the brunette and the blonde cuddled up close together, only wearing sweats.

The older man's arms are around the youngers' thin waist and they're both smiling together, finally showing their true feelings.

They're happy together; no one can stop that. No one will ruin their happiness or their feelings for each other. Even if they're years apart, it doesn't matter to them and it shouldn't.

"Are we together, Li? If we are, I don't mind it all." Niall speaks softly, looking up at Liam who is rubbing his back soothingly. The brunette looks down at him and smiles, nodding slightly.

"We are together, love, yes. We don't have to tell anyone yet, by the way. I understand why you don't want that yet. People can judge, but I know that our feelings for each other are the same as everyone else's."

Niall smiles and kisses Liam's cheek, sighing happily because he finally has someone who can hold. Someone he can have strong feelings for, getting them back as well.

"Thank you, Li, for understanding, and liking me back. You make me very happy, I hope you know that, because it is obvious." Liam chuckles softly and presses a kiss to Niall's temple. How could he be so lucky to have such an adorable boyfriend?

"Its obvious, love, and it's okay because you make me more happy. Way more happy."

The blonde blushes hard and stuffs his head in the crook of Liam's neck, making the man grin. He continues to rub Niall's back, letting out soft breaths with him as he stares down at him.

"Why don't we do something fun tomorrow; since we have the day off?" Niall's eyes light up and he nods fast, wrapping his arms around Liam.

"That sounds like a good idea, but what would we do? There's a lot of things." Liam shrugs and purses his lips, thinking about they could do together. Niall pecks his lips though, making the both of them smile together.

"Maybe we can just make out all day and lose a load of calories." Niall chuckles as his cheeks are burning red, hiding his face in Liam's neck again. He would like that, definitely.

"That does sound like a good idea," Niall states. "But I think we should do something that requires more moving and not so, nearly sexual." Liam sighs dramatically, but nods.

"I guess, love. We'll think on it as we sleep and figure it out tomorrow morning, yeah? I don't want to stay up too long as I want to do a lot of things tomorrow, with you of course." Niall's blush deepens as he nods, slipping under the covers with Liam, snuggling closer into his side.

"That's fine with me, Li. Hopefully we figure out something really fun." Liam smiles and kisses the blonde's head, sighing happily. He has Niall all to himself and he couldn't be happier.

When Liam wakes up the next morning, he notices Niall already awake and on his computer. The brunette sits up and stretches out his arms as the blonde is focused on the screen.

"What're you doing, Ni," Liam asks with his rough, morning voice.

Niall loves it. He is starting to notice everything amazing about his wonderful, hunk of a man, and rich boyfriend. Liam is very successful, intelligent, wealthy, and kind. Its hard to find that kind of mix in a man, but the brunette has them all.

"Just looking at vacation spots, when we want to go on vacation." Liam's eyes light up before he scoots next to him, eyes scanning the screen. He takes in the many different places that the two can go to; they're all very wonderful.

"Maybe we can go on a cruise? I've never been on one, and we'll have a lot of privacy." Liam suggests, looking at Niall. The blonde looks back at him and smiles gently, nodding.

"That sounds like a good idea to me, Li. See new things, try new foods, live a new life for a bit. It'd be fun. A new experience with my new, wonderful, hunk of a boyfriend." The brunette chuckles and kisses the blonde's cheek, resting his forehead against his after sighing under his breath.

"You are going to be the death of me, I swear." He admits to his younger boyfriend, smiling a little as Niall grins. The blonde's heart is racing fast.

"I don't think I'll be death of you, Li. I don't want you to die because of me. I want you to die when its your time; with me." Liam cups his cheeks and sighs happily, pecking his smaller lips.

"I'll always be with you, but I know death is far away for us. When one of us goes first though, we can't let our sadness overpower us to the point where the other kills themselves. The other will have to live on and figure out something else thats good in their life." Niall lets a tear shed from his right eye, Liam wiping it away as he smiles.

"That was deep, but true." Niall says while lacing his hands with Liam's. The man kisses the blonde's nose then closes the computer.

"I know. But enough about the sad things in life. Let's live our lives together and do what we can to be happy. For instance..." Liam sets the computer back to where it was then grabs Niall's hands. The blonde giggles as they walk toward the kitchen.

"I was thinking, as we were just talking, that we could make breakfast together, then go for a swim in my pool. Is that okay?" Niall grins, squeezing Liam's hand gently with his own.

"Sounds like a perfect idea." The older man grins again, pecking his younger lover's lips before getting the ingredients and pans out for omelettes.

"I hope omelettes are okay, Ni. I love them so much." Niall chuckles and wraps his arms around Liam's waist, resting his chin on his shoulder.

"I love them as well, so it's perfectly fine." So that's how the two spent their morning; cooking omelettes and enjoying a new memory.

When they finished eating, they waited a little bit before heading out to the back of the large home. A big pool fills a good portion of the backyard and Niall's jaw drops to the wooden deck. Liam takes his hand and leads him closer to the large pool, both of them only wearing swimming trunks now.

"I know my pool is rather large, but I like to play sports with my friends when they have the time. I never talk about my friends because they are always busy." Niall looks up at him nodding.

"I understand, Li. Let's just enjoy our time together and make new, wonderful memories that we can look back on. That's all I wanna do." The older man nods and sighs happily. He's so lucky to have someone so perfect in his life.

"Then that's what we'll do, Ni. Create new and wonderful memories together that we can look back on, no matter how we're feeling. We're going to be very happy together." Niall blushes and pecks Liam's lips once more before pushing Liam into the pool playfully.

When Liam comes back up, he glares at Niall while smirking. Niall should be scared, but he isn't as the man is a fluffy, adorable puppy to him. He has his moments, but Liam is a great man; except when he's angry.

"Oh you're gonna get it now, Ni..."

My Sugar Daddy || NiamTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon