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Chapter 6! More teasing for your lovely people, and possibly some flirting and an advance in Niam's relationship? Perhaps. Enjoy x (P.S. There'll be a time jump in this chapter.)

The hours flew by and it is already 9pm. Niall bids Louis and Zayn goodbye, after a long talk with each other, including Liam.

They had gotten to know the older man, and they are already so close. Niall even got to know a bit more about Liam in the process; so he feels more comfortable with the man.

Which is good, because he still felt a bit iffy about the older brunette beforehand.

It's a good thing that Louis and Zayn came over, as he was debating on ignoring Liam over his teasing. He remembered the near kiss though, that happened in the elevator.

He didn't know why he wanted to kiss him, but he just did. They were alone and in a tight space, so it just seemed right in a sense.

Liam was definitely leaning into it as well, so the man seems to have some sort of liking towards him; he knows that for sure now. But he is still scared because of work, and the thoughts of others.

Niall was always treated with respect, and was only, rarely disliked. He hates ruining anything, and he hates it when people hate him.

The blonde was always taught to be kind and to be the sweetest he can, to anyone, by his mother.

He has never not thought about her teachings, even during the worst of times. Liam shouldn't be yelled at or, or scolded, because he is sweet and he is kind. Finding someone like the man is rare.

The older man steps down into the kitchen, noticing Niall looking in the pantry for a snack. "I'm glad that your friends came over today," Liam spoke up, the blonde jumping from his low voice.

"O-Oh, yeah? It was no problem at all. But why?" Liam's smile shines dimly, looking into the blonde's curious, crystal eyes. The older man finds them to be the most beautiful thing that he has ever seen.

"They brought us closer. Emotionally. We know more about each other, I know that, and we seem to have this much stronger connection, I feel. Do you feel it too, Niall?" The blonde blushes a bit while glancing down at the man's smile; its genuine and perfect.

"I feel it too, Liam. Thank you." Liam frowns.

"Thank you for what," he responds, stepping closer to the younger lad. Niall blushes even harder and start playing with his fingers while looking down.

Liam's cool breath ghosts across his bare shoulder, as he is wearing a tank top, making him shudder slightly.

"For being here for me; taking care of me and dealing with me, no matter how annoying I can get." He chuckles and shakes his head, placing his hands on the rosy cheeks of Niall. The young man will never be annoying to Liam.

"You're never such a thing, Ni. You just have your own feelings and emotions toward me; you may think that you're being annoying, but it's just me being too, well, me.

I make you uncomfortable at times and I apologize for that. I'll try and ease back." Niall smiles and sighs in relief, shrugging his shoulders in the process.

"Thank you, but you don't have to ease back." Liam's frown creases even more, a giggle coming from the blonde.

"Before you ask why," he says. "You just make me happy and I'll let you do whatever, if it's not too extreme." Liam is still frowning, wondering why Niall is accepting this.

"So you'll let me hug you, cuddle you, and snuggle you?" Niall giggles more while his blush darkens.

"Sure, Liam, but nothing more. We aren't dating and I don't want to lead you off." The older man grins and nods firmly, grabbing the double stuffed, Oreo cookies from the top shelf.

"That's okay with me. Let's go watch a film in my bedroom, yeah? I promise I'll do nothing more than you suggested." Niall grins, taking Liam's arm and looping it with his.

"That sounds like a lovely idea."

Three Months Later

A few months have passed, ever since Niall has started working with Liam at the wonderful job that he has, and everything has been going well.

For Niall and for Liam, equally, but there is a meeting today and that always stresses the two out. They rarely have private meetings, and when they do, it's always together and it's very serious.

They worry that they could get fired, or that they'll be separated from each other; but how could they do that if they never fool around in the office? Sure, they're getting even closer with the touching department, but it isn't too scandalous.

They only care about each other though, in the office, and don't care about others, now. Except their boss. He is the one who can fire them and ruin their lives. They don't want that, not in the slightest.

The two sit down where they normally would during these meetings, hands clammy and hearts pumping right against their chests. "There's no need to be worried, Ni. Everything will be fine." Niall sighs shakily at Liam's words though.

"You know how I am, Liam; I get nervous no matter what. Trouble is what I want to avoid today, that's just it."

Liam nods and pats the blondes knee gently, making him calm down a bit before their boss comes in. The older man moves his hand away as their boss sits down, hopefully for nothing but good news.

"So I called you two in today, for something important obviously, and I hope that this will be okay..." The two frown at his serious tone, many things swarming around in each other's heads, of what he may say.

"Niall, I want you to be Liam's assistant." Is what he says, and all of the worry fades away, quickly. He brings out a sweet smile and nods firmly as Liam is grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, well that's perfectly okay with me, sir. Honestly. Liam and I have bonded and I'm sure I can handle him." He smiles while Liam continues to grin, Niall looking down at his hands happily. This couldn't have gone better for the two.

"Good. That was all, and I'm sorry if I scared you. Didn't mean to." They shake their heads before he leaves with a firm nod, closing the door behind him. The two instantly lock eyes and they cannot help but smile goofily at each other.

"Guess we were a little too worried, huh, assistant?" Niall rolls his eyes at the brunette before standing up. This is still a bad thing in his case as Liam will tease him even more than usual.

"I guess, boss." The older man smirks and nudges him softly, leaning down to his right ear.

"I brought the idea up to him. You're welcome." Niall's eyes grow wide and he cannot help but hit the older man's chest, rolling his eyes in annoyance because of his actions.

"Of course you did, Liam. If you tease me more today, you're not getting another word from me for the rest of the week." He opens his mouth, but Niall places a finger to his plump lips.

"If you think that I'm kidding, boss. Try me."

My Sugar Daddy || NiamTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang