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Niall's POV:

Liam begins to play with Hunter as I start making some dinner, and I smile their way when Hunter giggles loudly.

"Little cuties " I say as I stir the noodles in the pot.

"Your little cuties,” Liam said with a wink before I chuckle.

"Right, my little cuties." Liam smiles as he builds a tower with playing blocks as he carries Hunter in his arms.

"When he begins to walk, it'll be the best day of our lives."

I nodded. "Yeah. I hate having to carry things."

Liam scoffs. "I carry a lot more things than you do, mister," he said with a sassy tone while I added some sauce to the noodles.

"I know you do because you're stronger than me."

He nods. “Well, that's true," he says with a soft tone, pouting as he pinches his finger in between the blocks. "Ow." he starts sucking on his finger.

"You okay?" He nods with the same pout. He continues to suck on his finger.

"It kinda hurts." I pout along with him.

“Oh, my big baby daddy."

He smiles softly. "Don't even start."

I grinned. "I can say whatever I please whenever I please."

He rolls his eyes as Hunter sniffles. Liam looks down at Hunter who's now pouting. "Are you hungry,” he asks Hunter in a little kid voice, making me chuckle.

"He's clean, so he's hungry. Want some food, huh," he asks in the same kid voice.

"I'm assuming he does." Liam smiles again before going into the fridge, grabbing the cold formula. He puts the formula in Hunter's mouth slowly, making the little boy calm down in his daddy's arms.

"There we go," Liam says while I stir the noodles again.

"Such a good daddy, you are."

He smirks. "Oh, I know I am." He places a chaste kiss on my cheek before playing with the blocks again, one-handed, as he holds the bottle to Hunter's mouth. I sniff the food while glancing over at the two, smiling as Hunter's eyes slowly disappear under his eyelids. I taste a little of the noodles with the wooden spoon, moaning softly from the wonderful taste.

"Mm, it's done." I look over at Liam whose eyelids are slowly drooping down over his eyes. "Li." I shake him slightly, making him stand up in alarm.

"Yeah," he asks with a lazy smile.

"Get to bed, you're tired. Make sure you put Hunter in his crib."

He yawns softly before nodding. "Okay, baby. See ya in a bit?" I nod before placing a kiss to his lips, watching him then walk off to our bedroom.

I pour the saucy noodles into a bowl, grabbing the chicken bits from the oven as I hear footsteps from behind.

"Being horny sucks,” Louis says as he slips onto the clear counter.

"Tell me about it. With Hunter here, Liam and I have barely any alone time."

Louis snaps his fingers. "Zosh!"

I gasped. "Zosh," I repeated before giving him a high five.

"They can babysit them, so we can have some alone time with our daddies," he said with a wink, making me giggle.

"Perfect idea!"

He nods. "Before we do that... what are you cooking?"

I chuckled. “Well, I made some noodles, and you can put bits of chicken in it also.”

He licks his lips. "So it's ready?"

I nodded. "Yup," I said, holding my bowl before going over to the little island with the two chairs. I sit down and begin eating while louis quickly grabs himself a bowl, sitting down in front of me, eager to eat.

He takes a bite and moans softly. "This is delicious," he said after gulping down one bite.

I smiled. "Thank you." He nods, eating more of the food as I slowly eat mine.

Liam's POV:

After putting hunter into his crib, I slowly sit down on my bed. I'm opening my bedside table drawer as I smile. I grab the small, little, black box from inside. "Should I propose now?" I nod to myself. "Yes." I stand up from the bed and quietly leave the room, heading towards the kitchen with a smile, keeping the box behind my body.

I walk into the kitchen and notice Niall and Louis eating the food. Niall looks my way as I stand next to a sitting Louis who sees the box, making his eyes grow wide.

“Niall, you've made me the happiest man on earth. You've dealt with the troubles we've faced together. You dealt with my insanity and you've loved me for almost a whole year. I love you so much l, and I'm glad we met. I want to give you this special object to show how much I appreciate you." I get down on one knee in front of him, making him smile wide, also teary eyed within seconds.

"Will you marry me, Niall James Horan?"


I'm a nice human bean.

I love you all and the next chapter will be so fücking cute <3

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