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[Okay, so, I'm going to be trying out a double point of view kinda thing for this book. So its pretty much two point of views at once. Thank you for the idea, you know who you are, and thank you for all the side comments, I really appreciate it :) any who, enjoy this chapter ;)]

The Full Moon


Today is the full moon, and I'm really nervous about Liam because I don't know what he'll do once the full moon comes later tonight. He said that I'll be fine since he can control himself, but I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that says that I won't be fine. I really want to believe Liam but knowing that he'll change, I know he won't be in love with me during that time. It's hard to say those words, even think them, but it's true, so I'll have to deal with Liam not being himself.

I told Niall that I'll be fine later today, but it seems as if he doesn't believe me. He really should believe me. Louis has seen me go through this once before, he knows that I can be calm, but Niall still won't believe me, which kinda hurts deep down because I want him to fully trust me.

We've been together for about a few months now, and we've dealt with so many conflicts. Like with what happened today with my father. He pretty much scared Niall when he told him about the full moon, when in reality, I can really control myself, as I've said before. I'll never hurt my precious, little, baby Niall, ever, for as long as I live and love him.

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