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Niall's POV:

Groaning from the bright light in my face, I shove it away from me with my left hand, making it fly across the room, which makes me jump while I sit up. "What the hell," I muttered quietly as my head thumps roughly.

The door then slams open, revealing Liam who looks as if he had been crying for weeks on end. I wonder why?

"Liam, what's wrong?"

He doesn't answer my question, all he does is climb onto the bed, pulling me close into his arms as he breaks out into a sob, clutching onto me tightly.

I'm still confused. "Why are you crying so much, babe?"

Liam sniffles close to my ear as tears continue to fall from his eyes. "You've been asleep for th-three weeks, b-babe."

My eyes grew slightly wide, guilt filling up my body as I hold my hand over my mouth. "Are you serious?"

He nods slowly as he pulls me into another loving and tight hug.

"I-I didn't realize... I'm so sorry.” He stays quiet as he holds me close to him. "Why'd I sleep for so long," I asked softly as he continues to hold me.

"It must've been your transformation process, babe. Since you're part werewolf now." I sighed and remembered the night that Liam changed. It was all worth it in the end.

"I'm glad I changed. Being a normal human being is boring, and I don't like boring. Being part werewolf is great, and I have already used my almighty strength on that light," I said, gesturing towards the broken light that's in the corner of the room now.

"That's good, babe, but I'm scared that you might use your strength on me, though. On accident."

I smiled softly as he finally stops the hug, looking deep into my eyes. "I'll never hurt you, even on accident. I can control myself like how you can control yourself. We'll be alright." He smiles.

"Good then."

I nod. “What other things do I have that make me all cool and shït,” I ask, causing Liam to laugh.

"Well, you know that you have your puppy form, in which you can move quickly in that and your werewolf form, but you don't know about your invincibility."

I smiled. "I can never die?"

He shakes his head. "Neither can I, the other guys, and my parents."

My body fills with excitement. "That's amazing!"

He smiles. "It sure is and now that you're a werewolf with me, we can never age, so we're stuck at what we look like now. You can still turn 18, and you can also get a beard and body hair that you couldn't get, now that you're a werewolf, but you'll never look older like an old man."

I chuckled. "This is honestly the best news ever!"

He smiles more than before. "I know, baby.”

I smile this time. "First I met you, then you said that you could be my sugar daddy, then we got together, so we're really close together, and now we're werewolves! Beyond insane."

He nods gently with the same smile. "I'm glad you're enjoying this, baby. Most people would freak out."

My eyes grew wide. "Why would they?! They'd live forever and have such an amazing guy and werewolf by their side."

He shrugs. "I'm honestly not sure. I guess most people hate werewolves,” he said before sighing.

"Well fück them. Werewolves are beautiful creatures. We are beautiful creatures."

He laughs softly. "Yeah, we are beautiful, aren't we, Niall?" I smiled. "So beautiful in fact, we're impossibly beautiful, if that makes sense."

I chuckled. "I don't think it does, but I think I understand your point, babe."

He nods with a smile. "Good."

I sit closer to him as he smirks. "You've changed me, literally, so much."

He wraps his left arm around my waist. "Is it a good change?"

I nod against his shoulder after placing my head on it. "A very good change. You let out my true personality, my true self when I couldn't even do that. You found out the real me. I'm glad you did so."

Liam pulls me impossibly closer to his side. "I'm glad I did so as well. I love bringing out the best in people, and I guess I have with you, which makes me more happier than before. You make me so happy." I smiled before he started to rub circles in my waist, making me moan softly as it feels great. "You like that, baby,” he asked gently before I nodded slowly.

"Feels amazing," I breathed out as I heard him licking his lips.

"Can I give you a massage? I think you need one after what has happened these past few days."

I nod gently. "Sounds like a wonderful idea." I said before Liam stripped off my shirt, his as well in the process. Somehow, Liam made this hole through the covers, so I can fit my stomach in there if I roll over, which was sweet of him and smart of him.

I fit my slightly swollen stomach in the cover hole before Liam gets on top of me, legs on each of my outer thighs. "I give great massages,” he tells me as he cracks his fingers.

"By the sound of your fingers, it's obvious."

Liam chuckles again before he leans down to my ear. "Would you like me to be inside of you while I massage you?" Shivers ran straight down my spine as those words traveled in my ear.

"I'd love that, daddy.”


So! Everything is all good in the Niam/Larry household. This story WILL have 40 chapters.

I hope you don't mind that the chapters may be shorter from now on, but they'll still be cute/smutty/dramatic, so yeah. The word count may be at minimum of 800 words. Short, I know, but they'll still be filled with cute, smutty or dramatic stylings. I hope this won't be an issue to you all if you really love this book.

Until the next chapter, I love you all ❤

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