8 [BTS] Suga & J-Hope - I Always Loved You

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Dedicated to: razzanx, im so glad you liked my other imagine for you! :) i didnt know if it was lissa1234 or you thy requested first >=<


"______________-ah! Your finally here!" J-Hope running to you. "Yah! Hyung leave noona alone!" The maknae of BTS said. "Whatever kookie"

"______________-ah! You have to meet Suga! He wasnt here because he had a bad injury and was send to the hospital" J-Hope saying. "HYUNG YOUR FINALLY HERE!!!" V yelling from the other side of the room while running to his hyung. "Oh my god Kim Taehyung might as well be a loud speaker for your job" Suga said.

"Suga Suga Suga, meet _________, _________-ah meet Suga!" J-Hope said smiling. "Is this your girlfriend J?" Suga said. You blushed. "ANIIII" J-Hope screamed. "She will soon" The maknae line said unison. They received a glare from J-Hope.

-3 Months later-

"__________-ah what drink do you want?" Suga said eyeing the menu. "Ill have hot coco!!!" You said smiling. "Okayyyy" "You know im right here guys" J-Hope said "Oh sorry oppa" you chuckled.

-Few minutes later-

"Lets go guys" Suga said cheerfully. You three exited the cafe. J-Hope behind you and Suga and you were happily talking. "Lets stop hereee I want to ask you something _______-ah" "Ahhh okay oppa" you said. You stopped on your tracks and turned to Suga, "________-ah, do you wanna be my gi-rl-friend?" Suga said confidently. "Yesssssssshhhhhh" You said happily. Suga picked you up and span you around. *cough* "Are we gonna walk back or are you guys gonna like stand there" J-Hope said coldy. "Ahh sorry lets continue on" You say. You and Suga linked arms together and walked back to the studio to see the others.


"Did you see that waiter he was like trying to get your attention!!" Suga laughing like a lunatic. "Haha yeah he was, but i only have eyes on you oppa!!" You laughed. Your laughter was music to his ears and your smile was another ray of sunshine, thats why he loved you and you loved him. You arrived at the front of your apartment. "I had a good time oppa." You smiled "im glad you did!" Suga said. He leaned down, you could feel his lips on yours gently, it became passionate, your arms around his neck and his arms around your waist.

The kiss broke. "Ill see you tomorrow then" He said he kissed you on the forehead and left. You unlocked your door, you started squealing from your first date.

'Ring Dong Ring' your phone rang. "Hello?"

"WOOOOOOOOOO ______-ah you answered HAHHAHAHA"

You looked who was calling and it was J-Hope.

"_________-ah are you still whats that guys name?"


"oh I have to hang up to many people."

"Where are you?!"

You hang up. God dammit J-Hope.

You grabbed your keys and went out to go pick up J-Hope.

You drove to the club. It was really bright from the neon lights and a long line of girls with really short dresses and the guys look at the girls really weirdly. You showed your pass to the bouncer and he had let you in. You had arrived at the club you walked around to see if J-Hope was around and you saw no one that looked like a drunk person thats high on sugar. You went to the bartender and asked.

"Did you by any chance see this guy" You showed a photo to the bartender. "Yeah he just left he told be to give you this note" It had said.

"I always had loved you, why did it have to be him"

You walked out of the club and dialed Suga "I cant do this anymore" You had hung up. You felt bad since just a few hours before you were on your first date with him and now its over between you and him.

You never knew J-Hope will make your heartbeat faster in anyway. I guess the one you truely love was him.


(A/N: OMG I have been on hiatus/school im so sorry ill make it up to you guys. I had another idea but i felt like i was copying someone elses imagine because it was kind of similar, I left you guys hanging there, CLIFF HANGER YALL! You guys can imagine it yourselves XD)

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