39 [VIXX] Hongbin - Change Your Ticket

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Dedicated to: jazmina_syahidah x

(A/N: I dont know if the title would be the same as this imagine/storyline x)


It was raining not heavy not light but average, you stared outside of the window with raindrops falling down, it wasn't just a usual day to be in a taxi but a week ago a letter had received from a college in America, you knew what was gonna happen, you wouldn't be able to see Hongbin anymore. Neither of you had experienced long distance relationships. So you didnt know what would happen, though you didnt tell him. 

"Miss" The taxi drove spoke, stopping you in mid thought. "Yeah?" your eyes still focused outside. "Were at the airport already" he looked back "Oh thank you" You paid the driver giving abit of extra credit "Heres a tip have a nice day" Opening the door you walked out, walking around the taxi you opened the back to grab your suitcase, closing both of the doors you waved of to the taxi driver. 

The airport was quite like usual "I guess this is it" you muttered. Your flight had been delayed due to the rain becoming more heavier and a 40% chance of thunderstorm. Guiding your suitcase with you, sitting down on one of the chairs you looked outside of the clear windows observing the weather.

"_______?" A husky voice called from behind. Tilting your head to see the where the voice came from was, Hongbin. "Hongbin?" you werent really shocked since your brother N had probably told him that you were leaving. "So you got accepted?" you nodded. Looking up to meet his eyes his hair was dripping wet his clothes wasnt that thin he wore jeans a t shirt with a coat with it, atleast he did wear a coat. "I'm gonna miss you alot" Hongbin walks up to you and embraces with you. "Come with me Hongbin" you said. "You know I can't."

You suddenly realised whats the point going all the way to America to attend a college. There were colleges in Korea with this kind of expectation. But then you had noticed would you really wanna go and leave Hongbin just for the sake of your edcuation? Your professor had suggested you to go study aboard but you never really thought you get accepted until now. 

Breaking off he hug you walked to the front area with your ticket. "Please cancel my flight to New York" you spoke to the lady at the front. "Miss are you sure?" you nodded. "You will receive back your money in the mean time Miss" she smiled at you. Walking back to Hongbin you smiled. "What" he chuckled. "I'm not going" you embraced him "What are you serious?" you nodded. "why?" "I have some un finished things to do here still" you smiled. Hongbin leans down and kisses your cheek then do your lips, he mumbled a 'I love you' and all you did was smile.


Words: 474

(A/N: Im not romatic but I have you alot on here woah I think I even got annoyed with it lolol. By the way I dont think you can just cancel your flight like that just imagine it and also this might be really bad since I havnt written anything on here for atleast 3 months or so, so please forgive me, anyways enjoy and vote! AND ISNT THIS GIF CUTE AF?)

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