49 [Infinite] Myungsoo - Sick Days

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dedicated to: myunstal 

(a/n: hello I'm back, just finishing off my request list so yeah, sorry its short. At least I updated.



Myungsoo was sick, not love sick but you know the cold, flu yeah those kind of sicknesses. _______ wasn't home yet to look after Myungsoo, she was working. All Myungsoo has done during his sick days was stay in his room that he shared with ________ and watched Korean dramas. Myungsoo heard the door open and he smiled "________ your home!" He would went to _______ and hugged her but he was to tired, sickness effects. "Myungsoo, how are you feeling?" ______ asked. "I feel sick" Myungsoo snickered. "Obviously" ______ laughed.

Myungsoo and _______ were in bed together watching a movie "If I kiss you would you get sick?" Myungsoo asked looking at _______ instead of focusing on the movie. "No, apparently if you shake someones hand it is most likely you'll get some from it, not from someone sneezing on you." ________ said. Myungsoo kissed _______ on the cheek "well I did not know that but thank you for giving a fact about something I never knew about" He laughed.

Myungsoo was fast asleep, the movie just finished _______ went to grab the remote and turned the TV off, she lowered her self down into bed and cuddled with Myungsoo. "Myungsoo ah" a replied hum came out. "Get well soon yeah" her eyes closed. "I will don't you worry, I love you" Myungsoo kissed ______ forehead. "I love you too" her eyes closed and drifted into darkness that was called sleep.


(a/n: so I'm back hopefully, anyways just want to say thank you, to all you amazing people. I get notifications of you guys voting and also adding this to your reading list. that makes me smile so much xx

also I would like to add I'm not sure if i'm gonna end this, I don't know I barely update this. Anyways if you follow me, I think you should ;) I wrote a fan fiction, If you guys are like a fan of 5 seconds of summer you should probably read it >.> its called Catfish m.g.c. I'm possibly gonna upload the first chapter tomorrow, so yeah. comment your thoughts on the prologue :)

as for now, I will see you soon and ill be writing another imagine after this. its Seventeen the8. Don't really know seventeen that much, not a fan of large groups XD

make sure to vote and yeah, also sorry its like a long af a/n (:)

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