59 [EXO] Hogwarts Sorting AU 2/?

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(authors note: lets hope I have a lot to write about this time. This is my thoughts of what house each member will be in)


Kim Minseok

"House of Slytherin"

Eldest son of his name and as well as being the head of house Slytherin. You can see him in the library, studying to himself. He brings out the house Slytherin very well representing the ambitious and being cunning. Minseok is also the captain of the Quidditch team for house Slytherin, his also quite the catch too. Minseok is the star of each class


Oh Sehun

"House of Slytherin"

The youngest prefect of the Slytherin, the only son of the Oh family line. You will see him become the new head of Slytherin once Minseok has finished. He is sly with his comments and has self preservation. Oh Sehun is part of the Quidditch team, he is the golden boy for the team. Girls will wish to be front row. Star Pupil in the study of flying


Kim Jongin

"House of Slytherin"

The distant relative of Kim Minseok. A prefect boy of Slytherin. You won't be able to see him often due to him always practicing. He is an ambitious and determined prefect for his house. Jongin is yet another golden boy but not in Quidditch but in the Charms subject.


Kim Junmyeon

"House of Gryffindor"

Head of house Gryffindor. The son from a wealthy household. You'll see him in the Gryffindor common rooms sleeping with a book on his lap. He has a brave and courageous heart which swoons the female students. Co Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. An all star pupil in all classes that he currently takes.


Byun Baekhyun

"House Gryffindor"

Co head of house Gryffindor. Comes from a famous family of singers that are wizards and witches. You'll see him outside in the courtyard singing to his mini audience. His quite daring and pulling off pranks with his partner in crime Park Chanyeol. The seeker for the quidditch team and a excellent student in the study of muggles.


Park Chanyeol

"House of Gryffindor"

Prefect of House Gryffindor. Is from a wealthy family lineage and is pure blooded. You can see Chanyeol in the courtyard with Baekhyun playing the guitar. Chanyeol is also daring as both Baekhyun and himself are always pulling pranks on the other houses as well as their own. Doesn't seem interested in joining the quidditch team but loyally supports his name. An excellent student in the study of Herbology


Zhang Yixing

"House of Hufflepuff"

Head of house Hufflepuff. Coming from China no one really knows his family that well, but rumors is that they are one of the greatest families in China. You can see Yixing in the gardens at hogwarts, its a sight to be seen. Yixing shows kindness to all houses. His not interested in being part of the Quidditch team as its not really his thing. An excellent student in the study of care of Magical creatures.


Do Kyungsoo

"House of Hufflepuff"

Co Head of Hufflepuff and captain of the Quidditch team for Hufflepuff. His lineage is famous for the great cooks. You can see Kyungsoo in the kitchen of Hogwarts doing experiments. As being captain of the Quidditch team it gives Kyungsoo the chance to be a rough player. Kyungsoo is a hardworker and a fair player especially in Quidditch. A star student in the study of Alchemy.


Kim Jongdae

"House of Ravenclaw"

The head of House Ravenclaw and the seeker for Ravenclaws quidditch team. He is from a pureblood household. Jongdae is witty yet intellgient too which gives out the traits of house Ravenclaw. You will see Jongdae in the library studying, as for being the seeker its not much of a hassale for him. Jongdae is a star student in Transfiguration.


(authors note: And here is who I think would be in each houses for exo! Honestly the members represent all the houses, please let me know if you want to see Kris, Tao and Luhan assorted into a house)

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