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I swear that I'm trying to update this book as fast as possible and as frequent, and that you were probably hoping this was another chapter. But I'm not here to update right now. Did you see the mid season finale of Teen Wolf?????????????

OUR OTP BECAME OFFICIAL!!! I'be been waiting since the beginning of Teen Wolf for this moment and I had to rewind my television about a hundred times over and over and over again just to see Lydia admit her feelings and then Stiles and Lydia kiss and then hug. And then the end when they were looking for each other and She but her lip, then they smiled and Stiles said "everything's changed". I knew I needed tissues for this episode but I didn't know I was gonna use that many.

I USED ABOUT 2/3 OF THE BOX!!! I'm just freaking happy and exited for when Teen Wolf comes back on this summer and to see what else Jeff has in store for my OTP.

Now, we can all chill on Jeff. Because if the series ended and Stydia wasn't together I was going to throw bricks through his window. And I'm so not joking. I'm crazy!

Anyways, I just needed to rant and my feelings are still on overload so I'm going to take some sleeping pills so I can go to bed.

Ashontá or Double A

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