I Needed To

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*Stiles's POV

"Do you really need new clothes?," I whine like a child. If there's one thing that I hate it's shopping. I can barely shop for myself. I just don't understand the point to shopping. well, I buy myself stuff like food, barely any shirts, and shoes only if my old ones are to worn out. but all my shoes are beat up anyways, it's just nature. But having to go shopping for a girl or with a girl....Yeah, I might as well just die.

"Yes, I do," she says as if it is the most obvious thing in the world. She walks into yet another store as I endure yet another treatment of torture. What does the name even mean? H&M? I thought it was M&M!

Lydia walks down an aisle where there are short floral dresses. Honestly, she could absolutely put on anything and look better than the models that were on the commercials. Lydia holds up and pink dress with baggy sleeves and is short.

"I've been wanting this dress for like five months," she admits.

"Why did you never get it?," I question.

"Because somebody made me huge and look swollen. and that person is now my baby daddy and boyfriend," she says. I think she's been wanting to say that for the whole 5 months.

"I'm gonna go try it on," she says as she turns around swiftly to go to the dressing room. I sigh as I turn back around to go look at something to past the time. I pick some kind of perfume and spray it, but I spray it on my face. I whip my head around and sneeze. I quickly put the perfume back in its spot to make it seem as if I didn't touch the perfume at all.

I turn around and soon as I turn around I lock eyes with Malia.

Oh no. Oh God. Not here. Not now. Please, not now. I shield my face and try to speed walk towards the dressing rooms, but Malia catches me halfway there.

"Shit," I say harsly."Malia, no,"I say trying to go around her, but she blocks me.

"I'm not going anywhere, Stiles," she says,

"Please!," I say rather loudly making a few customers look at us.

"Stiles, we need to talk."

"No, you're not ruining this for me. I have Lydia now."

"And I have Scott. He is my boyfriend and also you're brother. I know you have Lydia, but what at the hospital was more than you needing to someone at the moment. It wasn't just impulses."

"No, it was nothing at all. Nothing happened. I don't want you and I don't need you. What I do need from you is for you to leave me the hell alone. Your not gonna ruin this for me. Just get this through your sick nd twisted mind, Malia. It's not gonna happen again. We're not gonna happen again." I turn away from Malia and towards the dressing room again, but Malia says something.

"How do you think that Lydia is going to take this news. You think she'll be upset, or hate you ven more than she did the first time. Everyone remembers Mr. Slut. You would be dead to her and she would never forgive you. No more second chances. Not this time," she says.

I turn towards her again. she has a wicked grin on her face and already knows what my next move is.

"I'll do whatever you want. Just please don't tell her,"I tell her before walking away. I look to make sure no one is watching before sneaking in to the the dressing room. I knock on the dressing room door to make sure she is in there.

The door unlocks and I slide in."I can't get the zipper up," she says. I don't tjink that she knows that this is actually me.

I put my hands on her zipper and pull it up slowly. I move her hair on to her shoulder, so I can place a kiss upon the side of her neck.

"Woah, I have a boyfriend," she says while turning around with her hands in front of her. The fact that she stopped me so quickly means more than anything. I didn't push Malia away that quickly.

"I'm well aware,"I say before pushing my lips on hers and pushing her against the wall.

"What was that for?,"she asks with a smile on her face.

"I just thought that I needed to express how much I love you. I needed to."

She smiles before pecking my lips.

"I love you too,"she says.

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