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It's been 5 months since Damien proposed and I told everyone I was pregnant. I was three months then, but it wasn't showing as much.

But anyways, I am eight months pregnant and I'm finna pop already! I'm so ready to have this baby it don't make no sense.

Me and Damien decided to get married after we have the baby. My contractions are too bad and I don't want to risk anything.

We've been hanging in there. But we've been doing good so far. Everyone has been talking about the proposal and also the pregnancy.

Why do they care? I don't know.

Anyways, my baby Jy'Lenah is finally one. Yes, she's growing up on us.

Jamarie has been living with us. His mother turned to not be as fit as she pretended to be.

In case y'all didn't know, I had to hit her with my right a few times to put her in her place. But no more fighting for me.

But anyways, I'm really glad my life is moving forward and my family is growing.

I layed on the bed while Damien spoke to my belly, "Hey lil man. I'm ready for you to come out."

I smiled, "I know right. This other month needa hurry up." He smiled as he rubbed my belly.

Jamarie jumped on the bed and pushed Damien's hands off me. "Stop."

Damien and I laughed. Jamarie didn't like it when Damien touched me.

"You mad lil man?" Damien asked as he playfully restled with Jamarie.

I laughed as I kissed Lenah on her cheek. She was sitting in my bed eating Cheese Puffs.

I gasped in pain as I held my stomach. "Baby what's wrong?" Damien asked sounding concerned.

"This damn baby and his kicking." I said as I shook my head.

"It'll be over soon."

I nodded. I held my stomach and squeezed the sheets as the kicking grew worse. I see right now Damien Jr. is going to be a hand full.

Damien got up and put his shoes on.

"Where you going?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm going to handle some business. I'ma be right back."

I shook my head, "Damien don't fucking do this to me. I'm pregnant right now and you already running to the streets. Please don't leave tonight. Not tonight." I begged as tears streamed down my face.

"Baby I'ma be right back aight? I promise. I ain't going to do nun stupid, I'm just going to talk about something."

I shook my head, "Whatever. Bye." I said as I rolled my eyes.

He kissed me, Lenah, Jamarie, and also my belly. "I love you baby girl. If I don't make it back, you know where everything is. The money, the safe, everything."

I wiped my tears away and sighed, "Just go."

"Jy'Chaja, I love you." he said before walking out the door.

I sighed as I layed on the bed allowing my tears to fall. Lord knows I didn't want Damien to leave me alone. I don't trust these streets and nobody in them. I don't know what his intentions tonight are, but I hope they're good.

I just have a bad feeling right now.

Maybe I'm just paranoid. But, I have a bad feeling, and I think something's going to happen. Lord please let my accusations be wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2014 ⏰

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