Parents To Be..

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Y'all, this was like the best part of this entire book!! It was deleted & I was free writing >_<!!! Ugh! Idek what happened, but I'm so pissed off. I wrote this by memory but I can't remember everything because I was typing from off the top of my head. But it was a beautiful chapter :).. I hope y'all still enjoy this chapter, if not I'm sorry but I had no control over this missing chapter. But enjoy.. FAN, VOTE, & COMMENT Pullleeezzzz!!! I barely have any fans, & comments. And my votes should be higher.. But thanks for getting me to 1.2K reads guys!!! Y'all are the best! And I love my fans! :* I really want to thank y'all for everything. The fanning, votes, & minor comments lol. Butter than nothing tho \(*_* )/ \( *_*)/ Whoot Whoooooottttt!!



It's been a week since Damien has been home from the hospital and I'm getting closer and closer to my due date.

I'm due next week, March 21, but this baby can be here any time.

I was watching tv, sitting beside Damien.. When all of a sudden I felt this sharp pain in my stomach.

"Ouch!" I yelled.

"You okay?" Damien asked sounding concerned.

"Yes..." I flinched at a second contraction.

"Baby, you don't seem aight. You over here jumping and shit."

"I'M FINE!" I yelled.

I struggled to get up when all of a sudden, I felt something ooze down my leg. What the hell?!

"Damien!" I yelled as I held on to the rail on the bed.

"What's wrong?"

"I think my water just broke!"


He jumped up off the bed and helped me to the car. I pouted at the pain.

"Ouchhhhhhh! Baby, it hurtsss." I said grabbing his shirt.

He sat me in the passenger seat and got in the driver seat.

"You gone be aight baby."

He sped off to the hospital. I started moving around in my seat screaming and hollering. Which caused Damien to drive even faster.

"Call my ma."


"Call my ma! Damnit call her!"

Damien got out his phone and dialed her number.



"Call my ma damnit!" She yelled.

Right then and there, I knew it was time.

Time for my girl to deliver our child. Time for me to be a father. Time for me to take part in my respinsibilities.

Chaja screamed and cried as she punched my right arm, yelling at me from all the pain.

Mannn... I'm driving 120 with my fucking flashers on, pregnancy aint no joke.

"Hello?" someone asked.

"Wassup? This Chaja ma?"

"Yes, Damien?"

"Hey, I need you to come to the hospital asap! Chaja 'bout to have the baby."

"Okay, I'm on my way."


I hung up and pulled up to the hospital. I helped Chaja get out the car and she struggled to walk. I got her in the building and some nurses came running up to us.

"She's going into delivery! Get her in a room now!" they yelled as they quickly sat her in a wheel chair.

Chaja cried and cried as they rushed her to a room and layed her on the bed.

"She is 9... Honey this baby is gonna be here any time now."

Chaja shook her head and let out a loud sigh. I held her hand and her mom burst through the door.

"Chaja! Are you okay?"

"Yes, it hurts."

"I know baby.. It's gonna be okay."

I looked at Chaja's ma and she smiled at me.

"Are you ready for this Damien?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am-"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Chaja screamed.

"She's 10!" the nurse yelled.

They put Chaja's legs up on the table.

The doctor came rushing in, "Hello, I'm Mr. Davidson. I will be delivering your child today."

"Get her out of me please! Hurry!" Chaja yelled.

"Okay ma'am. Push on the count of three."

Jy'Chaja nodded.

"One. Two. Three! Push!"

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Chaja yelled.

I held her hand and he squeezed the hell out of it, is my blood even still circulating?!

I rubbed her forehead, "Come on baby."



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