Drama Once More

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Finding out that Damien was having a child by that bitch Chaja pissed me off.

Like why her? That bitch clearly has all the men drooling for her! The bitch is nothing but a attention seeker in my eyes. Why the fuck did she get pregnant anyway?! Why did HE even want to have a baby with her?!

Okay, I know what y'all are thinking. I sound very jealous right now. I mean, who wouldn't be jealous of her?! She's beautiful! A body to die for, a face that will make you want to kill, and a attitude that will make you wanna bow down.

But who caree about all that? Not me.

See, I want TWO things that she has...

Damien, and his child.

I also want her life. Well, I pretty much want everything she has! Why can't I be the one carrying his baby?! Why can't I be the mother of his first?!

That BITCH thinks she's winning... But she's not! Little does she know, me and Damien are having sex all the time. And no, he's not only fucking me... But also any other girl willing to give him some good head just for him!

Damien is everything a woman wants. The looks, the sex game, the swag... And most of all, the MONEY!

I want to be with him for the money, but that nigga stingy as hell. All he tells me is "Mane, I gotta take care of my girl." or "My baby needs diapers." and I be like "Nigga shutup!"

It just pisses me off because I can't have what his babymama has!

But I'm not giving up.

I'm already in competition with a tramp named NiNa, y'all probally remember her. Yeah, the one that got her ass whooped by Chaja. I wish that bitch would whoop my ass over Damien. Ha! NAH! I'll whoop her ass over HIM!

But anyways, she's trying her best to get Damien to wife her, but no NiNa, your dreams ain't coming true.

And Chaja? Bitch, you may be in first place right now, but not for long. Because I'm gonna make your life HELL! And I'm gonna get everything I want from Damien.

Anyways, my name's Ashley. And nah, I ain't a hoe... I just like to fuck. I ain't a gold digger, I just don't fuck with no broke nigga. I ain't thirsty, I just like attention. Get it? Got it? Good.

But I'm gonna be in Damien's life, whether you Chaja fans like it or not. The bitch is gonna be out the picture soon. So it will be Ashley and Damien. Without the Chaja and Lenah. The baby will easily be replaced with another one.

But, don't get all mouthy and shit cause I'm tryna break up a happy home. Damien damn sho' ain't happy! That's why he getting pussy from other hoes. Chaja? The bitch not happy either. She walking around with bruises on her damn face.

Who beating her ass? Her PIMP?! Damn sho' ain't Damien. He beat his hoes asses, but I doubt he beats Chaja, that's his "QUEEN"!

I'm sick of seeing her walk around looking all cute with that pretty ass baby. It doesn't do anything but piss me off. Knowing that the child she's loving on, is Damien's!

But don't worry, Ashley's in the picture now... And I'm Down For Whatever.



- Heeeeeeeeeey baessssssss ! How y'all doing ? I decided to post this chapter to get y'all prepared & eager for more lmao. Anyways, yea... This is the only chapter I'm posting until I reach my goal.

Help get me 100 fans please, & get me 50+ comments up here! Do your part and I'll do mine.

But, the next chapter I post will be on Damien, Chaja, & this new bitch Ashley... And the rest of the desperate hoes.

Are y'all ready for all that Chaja & Damien drama again?

Are you?



Well, help me reach my goal & Down For Whatever will be baaaaaackkkk!

And yes, I will finish telling y'all what Damien's talking about, & why he's so pissed of at Chaja. If Lenah's his, & all those other questions in the next chapter! Yaaassss bew yaaaassss it's gone be gooooood!

Help me reach my goal please. If each of y'all comment & vote, that will be helpful! So do it nowwwwwww!

Thanks so much :*


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