Introducing Jy'Lenah Keionnie Johnson

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Damien rubbed my forehead while I cried.

"Shit! I can't do it no more." I pouted.

"Yes you can baby, it's going to be alright." My mother said as she held my other hand.

"No I can't. It hurts!" I yelled as I cried.

"Come on Chaja, I'm right here with you baby. Just keep pushing."

I nodded.

"One. Two. Three!"

I pushed as hard as I could and I screamed to the top of my freaking lungs. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!"

"Keep pushing! I see her head!" The doctor yelled. "You're doing great sweetie."

I squeezed both my mom's and Damien's hands as tight as I could. I pushed once more. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

"Come on baby girl." my ma said as she caressed my forehead.

"I can't push no more. I can't. It hurts." I wined.

"Yes you can, push one more time." Damien said.

"You did this to me! You fucking caused this shit Damien!" I screamed.

"I know, it's about to be over." He replied as he squeezed my hand.

He looked slightly scared. Not because I was yelling at him, but because I'm crying, screaming, and in so much pain. And he can't help me, only I can, and that's getting this baby out.

I took a deep breath.

"Okay, one more big push. Just push one more time." The doctor said.

I nodded.

"One... Two... Three!"

I pushed as hard as I could, with all my might.


I felt something slide out of my vagina and a baby was crying.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"6 pounds even. And very healthy." The doctor said.

I smiled. My mother smiled. And Damien let out a huge smile.

I swear that boy this so damn handsome. Beautiful perfect white teeth. Dimples in his cheeks.. Smooth Caramel skin.. Dark brown eyes... silky black hair.

Hell to the fucking yes! have a child by a handsome ass nigga! That's something I am proud of myself for.

I have had a child with the man of my dreams, and pass the age of 18!

I looked down and saw the doctor pick up my beautiful daughter. He handed her to me and I couldn't help but shed a few tears.

She was so freaking beautiful.

"Hey beautiful. I'm your mommy." I said as a big Koolaide smile grew on my face.

She had gorgeous dark brown/black hair, a lil pig tail in the back! It was too cute. She has a combination of both me and Damien's hair. She had beautiful dark brown Almond eyes like me and dimples in her cheeks like Damien. She had Damien's complexion. I swear this is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.

I looked over at Damien who was smiling.

This is the best feeling ever. God has not only blessed me with a beautiful and healthy baby, but a beautiful family.

"You're so pretty." I said to her.

"What's her name?" My mom asked.

I looked over at Damien, "Ummm..."

He shrugged, "I don't know..."

"How about Jy'Lenah?" I asked.

"That's a beautiful name!" My mom said.

"Keionnie can be her middle name." Damien stated. "So it can be similiar to mine."

"Okay." I said full of excitement. "Wanna hold her?" I asked him.

He nodded. I handed Jy'Lenah over to Damien.


Chaja handed me our child. She was so beautiful. She reminded me of Chaja, but me too at the same time. I kissed her on the cheek.

This feeling is overwelming.

I have something-- someone I can actually love. I can actually call mine. Jy'Lenah is gonna be the reason I try harder in life.

A tear fell down my cheek. Shit, I'm getting soft again. But mane, fuck it, being a father is a great feeling. I never knew I would care and love a baby so much so fast.

I want better for Jy'Lenah. I wan't to give her everything I didn't have growing up. I ain't gonna be no dead beat father. I'ma be there for my child. OUR child. No matter what.

I swear it's gone get worse before it gets better, but seeing my child's face makes me want to do better.

I aint gonna leave Jy'Chaja hanging like them other dudes. I can already see myself having a beautiful family.

I can't turn back.

"Hey baby girl... Daddy loves you." I said.

Jy'Chaja smiled, "Ain't you sweet?" She picked.

I laughed, "Daddy's gonna spoil you." I said to my daughter while kissing her once more.

Chaja's mother smiled. I passed her to her ma. She held her and showed her love.


Chaja's mom

I have the most beautiful granddaughter in the world. Chaja is beyond beautiful, and Damien? Hmph, if only he was a little older.

I'm so glad Chaja didn't fuck around with no ugly nappy headed ass nigga. She got a not only sexy, but handsome young man. And a GOOD man at that.

I know Damien's reputation aint all that good, but can't nobody ever say that boy ain't take care of what's his.

He may be in the streets a lot, and is a big time drug dealer, but I know he is gonna take care of Jy'Lenah nomatter what him and Chaja are going through.

And I know for a fact that Chaja is going to be a wonderful mother. Damien, with no doubt, will be a wonderful father.

I know I fucked up in the past, but Chaja is a strong woman. And even if she didn't have the perfect like 'or perfect parents.. She never let us down.

I just wish I could go back and change some things in the past.

And I wish her father and Jy'Ron were here to see how successful she has been.

I kissed my new born grandchild on the forehead and smiled. "Hello Ms. Beauty Queen. I love you."

Damien and Chaja smiled. The doctors came in and told Chaja she had to stay over night to make sure everything goes okay before they let her leave.

I just love this, my beautiful family.

I just pray nothing changes when I tell Chaja what's going on with me...



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