"It's fine, really, I'm not tired at all." She had told him. Driving was the one thing at the moment that made her forget her worries with her situation at hand.

"Your words tell me that but your body tells me a different story," the pinkette can see that she was worn out. "You have literal bags underneath your eyes Erza, and your whole body is starting to twitch, trying to stay up."

"I said I'm fi-"

Natsu placed his hand over hers on the steering wheel. "Erza, you've done enough driving, let me take the wheel," in his calmest tone, she knew there was no arguing when he was right. She was getting to her limit. "Okay?"

"Okay." Erza had taken his request.

Upon finding the first gas station, the two seemingly switched sides now.

As Natsu was filling the gas tank up, Erza had gone inside the gas station to get some goodies.

Getting chips for herself and Natsu a cup of warm coffee, Erza made her way to the cash register to pay for her stuff. "Will that be all, ma'am?" The man behind the cab's register had asked her.

"Can I get a pack of gums as well?" She had requested of the worker.

"Sure thing ma'am." The man went underneath the counter, now behind the glass that showed the rest of candies and goodies underneath.

While her attention was towards her stuff, Erza placed her right hand behind her left arm, feeling really faint at the moment. Just closing her eyes momentarily, she sighed. "He's gonna die…"

Erza immediately opened her eyes. "What was that?"

"I didn't say anything ma'am," the man behind the counter had gotten the pack of gums she wanted, giving her a perplexed look as she had asked him that question. "Here's the gum you asked for."

The man's genuine look was real for Erza. He had no clue as to what she was talking about. "Nevermind, and thanks."

"That'll be 4.87, please."

Erza now got out of the gas station along with their stuff. She shook her head, now hearing things. She was definitely tired. "Here's your coffee." She gave Natsu his coffee while taking the shotgun seat and closing her door.

"You're a life saver," Natsu pecked her cheek, thanking her for the coffee. "Thanks."

"No biggie," Erza, now more relaxed in the comfort zone of her loved one, laid her back to the seat. "I think I'm going to take that nap now."

"You should, you look like hell." Natsu turned the car's engine on.

"You have no idea." Erza, slowly now, began to close her eyelids. Without much trouble, she had now fallen asleep, snoring lightly as she did.

Natsu smiled at the sight of her, soundly sleeping. And without much, he continued down the path back home.

He turned the volume up, and with classic rock playing in the background, the car moved forward into the road.

"So, what does this place remind you of?" Dr. Heartfilia, or Lucy, had asked Laxus. The two were sitting in the middle of Magnolia's most beautiful park, Fairy Park, on the bench.

It was quite chilly and she wore a light brown jacket, had blue jeans and matching boots to her jacket. Laxus on the other hand was in his casual detective clothing: his long brown trench coat and normal suit underneath, enjoying the scenery.

Watching couples walk by, families play in the horizon and a few dog walkers letting their dogs loose, the evening was peaceful for the duo. "This was the place I took Levy on our first date," Laxus began. "We laid underneath the cherry blossom trees, talking about our futures in Magnolia Police Department."

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