Chapter 15

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Author’s Note: Woohoo, can’t believe we’re already on chapter 15! Feels like just yesterday we made it to chapter 10 lol.

I just want to thank everybody that has liked and supported this AU Fairy Tail Fanfic so far, I’ve appreciate it so much. And no, this story isn’t even close to being done and it’s not a reason why I’m celebrating this achievement. I just really appreciate that there a lot of people who take their time and read my stuff ^_^

Anyways, enough of my nonsense and let’s get back to the story now, shall we?

The scarlet assassin stood there in the corner of the pinkette’s bedroom, watching him sleep in the dark. She couldn’t bring herself to kill him and that was enough to take a toll on her.

Erza knew sooner or later that she had to get out of the room before morning arose, but she still couldn’t believe that this was the first time, in a long time, that she had hesitated.

The memory of her stopping in her tracks while trying to kill the man was playing in a loop in her mind; the Sai coming down on him but her own body halted before it even pierced the pinkette in anyway. She clenched her hand into a fist, mad at him, mad at herself.

What Mirajane told her back at the ship, was it becoming a reality? Had she develop some type of feeling towards her target? Become sympathetic for him? She was an assassin. The questions that had bombarded her mind had baffled her, appalled her in ways she’s never felt. She didn’t know what to feel and in what manner.

Dammit… She silently sighed, staring at the pinkette as he snored. Why did this have to happen…And of all people, with him? She continued to conflict herself with her sudden morality change, fighting an internal war with herself.

Her eyes traced off to other things in the man’s room yet most of the time, her eyes were on him. Had she truly had a change of heart? What am I going to do? If I don’t do this… Jellal would send him to take care of the problem…

She could still remember the phone call. If she wasn’t able to kill the presidential candidate before the deadline, Jellal would send Dobengal to finish what she couldn’t do. And she couldn’t let him do that.

Then again, after a while, she has had concerns over the man. With the weird dreams and flashbacks of repressed memories she’s somehow had forgotten, she had questions. Questions that would put her or him at a distrusting position. And that’s something she doesn’t quite need right now considering the things she already has at hand.

She sighed once more. She had little to almost no options now. And time was not on her side.

She quipped the Sai once more, hoping her hesitation had worn off. Erza silently made her way to the bedside, now observing Natsu closer. It’s… now or never… She breathed in and out slowly. Nervousness had struck her again.

Her hands shook as she extended them over the man’s head, readying her Sai.

She stopped and brought her Sai and hands back towards her. Fuck! She mentally cursed at her cowardice.

Dammit! Dammit! DAMMIT! She mentally slapped herself. At this point, she knew now she couldn’t do it, much less even give him a scratch or any kind of inflicting pain.

She stared back at him, this time focusing her attention on his facial features with the moonlight. While she looked at him, she remembered the words his father told her. You acknowledge that there are some feelings there yet, you know that somewhere in your brain, that it’s only going to hurt you… His words were much like Mirajane’s.

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