" Chapter 47 ~ "

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and I'm very sure that your ma'ma is very proud of you too. yes, she was. what you mean was well after I got my GED she was working on my brother too but she got sick and could not do much I tried to teach him but he was not in it at all

and I feel that I fail my ma'ma for not getting him to get it. kyle it is not your fault that you could not get your brother to do the work he is the one that has to want it because it won't work if you try to push it on him. and there is always still time he might change his mind

and want to get his GED but that's all up to him so do as you preach you can't do everything your not superman. he laughed yeah I guess your right you got me on that one really good. hey did your uncle say when he was coming are not no

he just said he will see me tomorrow? now look Kyle if you have to go just go I will be all right over here I'm a big girl and there is no telling when he will come and I rather see you go now so you can be back before dark 

are you sure yes I am I will be just fine so please go and be careful and I will see you soon ok. look I will not be long and if you need me hit me up on the radio ok. yes dear I sure will as I smiled at him now go and be safe I will see you when you get back ok

and you won't go into the woods right by yourself I promise I won't go near them at all ok.  and I will hold you to it ok but I promise I won't now go before it get late and I will see you when you get back ok I will see you soon ok be safe.

and anyway he might not even show up today because yesterday was not that great for either one of us but I will see do you want me to walk you down to the docks know because that thing is out there and I will be worrying about you getting home.

ok, I will stay inside maybe walk out and play with the pups for a while is that ok with you. he smiled. you smart ass well ok I'm going and I will not be long ok I will see you when you get back home will you go already you are burning daylight and smiled at him

and he walked up to me and kiss me on the cheek and there I go again like a little girl blushing and he smiled. that's not funny. why I like to see you blush like a little girl. will you go already and smiled before I get the puppies on you and tell them to attack.

ok I'm gone I just worry about you that's all. I know but I got this and thank you for caring so much about me but I will be ok well I'm gone yeah ok and how many times you have already said that girl what I'm gone to do with you and that mouth of yours

I don't know you tell me but not right now because you got to go and I will see you when you get back. and be careful out there too. I will see you later. ok see ya soon I was thinking to myself I wonder when is uncle is gone to come are even if he will

because yesterday was hard on both of us and if he didn't I would understand so well I guess just wait and see I want to go to the woods but I have promised Kyle I would not and I don't want him not to trust me so I won't it will just

have to wait and be another day. well I was sitting and having a cup of coffee and my front door was open and I heard a soft knock at it and it was my uncle and my heart drop all over again hey uncle come on in do you want some coffee its just me here

sure child I will have a cup with you and I looked down and I was still in my pj's and I said shit. child what's wrong with you oh nothing uncle guess it just been a lazy day for me I forgot to change oh don't even worry about it child you are ok.

what you want in your coffee uncle the same you have like always. what do you mean uncle well because you use to make my coffee when you were little and you always made it the same as yours at first I was wow this is sweet but I can't break her 

little heart but after a while of having coffee with you I really got to like it so yeah I will have the same you are having aww uncle you were and still are the sweetest uncle in the world. yeah but I had you mad at me for a while and it

hurt so bad but I just didn't know how to tell you all about of what was going on I now understand uncle, it was hard for you at first and I didn't understand at that time and I must say I thought that you didn't care but I was wrong and I was told in the woods

not to judge until I knew the facts. is that what she told you yes uncle she has. now please when you can let me know who this person is I will so let's see back where we left off at. well, I went home and I told you that your ma'ma passed away.

you hugged me so tight and was crying and ask me if she was in pain and I told you know that your ma'ma went in her sleep I hold you all that night till you fell asleep in my arms and still was holding me tight and that's where I stayed holding you

until the next day when you woke up you ask me about your papa and was he all right and yes child I lied to you again and said he was sad but he was ok. and you ask when can you go home because you thought your papa would need you

I said soon baby right now he has a lot to get ready for but it won't be long and you said ok. 

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