" Chapter 33 ~ "

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we walked through the gate and there was sam. Carla what are you doing why you didn't give the offering to them. sam I'm tired how many time we took food out there but they still came to the house. and look today what they did.

when I was out hunting to get them one they took it. then came home to take the half we did have. it was gone. so I think they got enough from me today." are you sure. yes, I am tonight we will figure out a whole new plan.

how to deal with this for now on. well, I guess ok whatever you think is best Carla because I trust in you always. thank you, sam hey sam have Y'all finish up in the shed and locked it. yes its all done I hate to ask you but can you put this back in the freezer for me, please.

sure can and after I get done Carla do you want me to start cooking yes please I will help these guys with the camp. ok sounds good. hey, kyle don't worry about locking that gate there. because it can still get in I guess. know go ahead in do it so I will know.

if it was already in the gate are not. whatever you want Carla." thanks, Kyle." hey clay did y'all get everything from y'all boat up here ok. I think so. hey, brother, did we get everything off the boat are do we have more stuff on it. damn clay I'm not sure.

well I'm sorry and don't want to act mean are like a boss but if there are still stuff on Y'all boat right now will be a good time to go get it before dark I have another wagon right there. oh, know we understand come on clay let us go get it, man, I'm tired. oh, and like I'm not.

that ok clay I will go help him and you can unload this wagon on the porch and I'm sure sam will help you if you ask her. you ready kyle yes ok let me go get my gun first. ok, carla thanks for coming to help me sorry about my lazy brother.

its ok kyle we all have one in the family we laughed. well, we were walking down the dock to get the rest of their stuff. hey, Carla smells like we have company. yup, we sure do just ignore it. oh, I will well we got to the boat well shit I be damn.

what kyle my lazy brother left the camp I should make him sleep on the cold ground tonight he left half of our stuff behind. on the the boat, I'm glad you ask if we had all our stuff. oh wait till I get back up there I should kick his butt. I giggle sorry.

I know it is not funny but yall act like me and my sister. well, Kyle lets get this stuff loaded up and it will be late by the time we get back to the house. sorry, Carla." for what it is not your fault at all and when we get there we will just pull the wagon up on the porch

for the night and Y'all can sleep in one of the rooms are on the couch that's if you can get sam and the puppies off and smile. that where we been sleeping since I got back home. with all this stuff been happening around here and all.

y'all both sleep on that couch know I would sit up with my back against the wall and sleep there because I would always take first watch. no wonder your so tired Carla and I'm sure your back is not so great either." know it is not.

well, I tell you what how about tonight I will take first watch so you can get some sleep on a nice soft bed. oh yeah that would be so nice but not sure about the sleep too much if we get company tonight." how y'all know when it's out there.

well, when it is not scratching down the wall are throwing stuff at the house the puppies let us know right away. they are some really good little watchdogs for sure. well, that's good Carla do they attack the house much." not in a while thank god just last night with the gate.

so I don't know what tonight will bring us." Carla, I have to ask have you ever try to look out and see what it was."yes I have my first try when we heard some noise outside I looked out the window. and a damn raccoon hit the glass scared the shit out of me and that was enough for that night.

damn Carla and he laughed sorry don't mean to laugh. it is ok because it was kinda funny to me to afterward too and then the second time when we heard something out there again. and I went looking out the window and was looking around and I looked at the puppy for a second don't ask why then I picked.

up my head to look out the window and something was looking back at me with these strange looking glow like eyes and I flew backward holding my chest I knew I was just gone to die right then and there and didn't dare to try to look again.

that was one horrible night for me."I bet it was and just you and your sister has been dealing with this all this time yes just me and her and my uncle knew about it and didn't tell me anything and then he saw what it was doing around here and never offer me any help.

that's sad and he should be ashamed of himself." well I guess he feels if he will help me it might go after them its a damn legend thing out here I guess take care your own ass." I'm sorry but I still think it's wrong because Y'all are family what the hell.

yeah I know what you mean but we been dealing with it as best as we can." yeah well now you have help and I won't leave you high and dry on your own ever ok and I promise you that aww thank you, Kyle, that means a lot to me.

and Carla I do mean what I say I'm not a person that will say something and lie." Kyle, I believe you and not once thought you would lie. because if you did you would have never come back. ok, we are here yum do you smell that food." 'yes, I do ." I'm so hungry right now Kyle I don't about you.

but I'm gone to and put this stuff on the porch and go pig out and I hope it's ready." me too and I will be right behind you. we laughed

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