" Chapter 25 ~ "

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hey sam.. hey you back boy that's a nice one there yes he is and a damn shame we have to give it up. yeah, I know and it still doesn't leave us alone. yeah, I went to the grave today to go see papa ana ma'ma. oh, you did I'm so sorry Carla its ok and I will be ok to and on the way back from the hunt I smelled it again.

what are you for real. yeah it was following me did you see anything nope just it stink did you run no I didn't sam I'm tired of running I think it likes it when you run anyway I'm not doing it anymore damn Carla I would have been shitting myself oh believe me sam I was scared but I'm tired to.

can't do it anymore I even stopped and yelled at it to leave us alone that I was not taking it anymore boy you are mad. yes, I am I and meant what I said to anyway how are those guys doing with our fence looks like it's coming out nice for what I can see. did you offer them a drink? oh, know I forgot I will now tho.

ok, I'm gone put this in the shed for later I might cut it in half. and only hang one-half at a time for it instead of a whole one for them. I hear that Carla I don't blame you. at all ok let me go and you ask those guy what they want to drink. ok on my way

I went to the shed to bring the buck and cut it in half and pick it up I looked up at the wall and the traps on the hook were gone now shit I said to myself this thing is really smart and then I smelled it again I know you out there I can smell you.

but I'm not running anymore you hear me why are you moving my stuff like this it is not cool at all I don't want you in here anymore yeah like you gone to listen anyway well I just told myself to ignore it like it is not there and finish doing what I was doing. and I did so I picked up the two half of the buck.

then wash my hands then I check the generator to see if it was full for the night everything was good so I was done in there but I was looking for a lock for the door to keep anything out of the shed could not find one maybe inside the house so I left the shed went in the house hey sam you in here. yeah, I'm right here what's up.

I'm looking for a padlock for the shed why what for well now our traps are gone they are not in there anymore where they were hanging on the hook did you look around for them nope I didn't why I don't know sam was just not in the mood I guess. do you want me to go look know it all right just help me find that damn padlock please.

ok I think I saw one in your room my room what in the hell would it be in there for I don't know Carla but that's where I saw it, ok let me go see I walked in my room for the first time since I been back papa kept it the same way since I left. and there it was the padlock on my desk that my papa made for me.

when I was a little girl so I can draw and read with the little lamp over the top of the desk for me to see when it got dark. so I looked around the room and saw my pictures I draw that was hanging on my wall. and I started to giggle at the silly stuff that I have drawn. and look at one and it said on it, my new friend.

what my new friend I never had a new friend are a friend maybe something I made up I was young well as I was reading it and I said it lived in the woods but I told it I could not go there because my papa would get mad and that I had to stay up around the front and if it wanted to play it had to go up there.

but it would never let me see it but I knew when it was around it stink so bad but I never told it that because it would have been mean and rude. and I didn't tell papa about my new friend because if he found out where I met it I would have got a good spanking and won't see my friend again.

well papa did found out and I got it real good too and he told me if I ever go to the back again are talk to my friend he will never let me go back outside ever again and he nailed and screwed my windows shut because my room was in the back of the house. and he stopped me from sleeping in my room too.

he put me on the couch and I ask him why he said I had a leak in my room on the roof so had to sleep out here but I can go in there in the daytime to play. wow sam was right it was something I met when I was young but what does it want from me now I'm not little anymore I didn't even remember I had a friend in the woods.

I grab the padlock and my little note off the wall and walked out of the room sam, yeah you were right I was right about what here read this while I go lock up the shed ok I walked out the house and headed to the shed and I heard noise in there so I ran in to see but nothing now I know something was in here so I look around real hard.

and on the hook was the traps again who is in here what do you want while I was looking around and I saw some loose board in the wall of the shed so that's how you get in here I see. so I grab the hammer and some nails went outside and nailed it up real good then took the hammer back to the shed and then locked the door.

went back inside to see sam she looked at me and said wow really yes really but I don't remember any of it at all wow that's crazy yeah I know right. so what you gone to do? what do mean what I'm gone to do? it seems like it still knows you.  I don't remember it and I don't want to either and I will keep doing what I have. been doing since I got here.

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