" Chapter 39 ~ "

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well, let me go hit the shower so you can go next Carla. ok, thanks, kyle. I guess I will eat then go shower and I'm hitting the bed because I'm tired as hell and y'all out here try to get some sleep to because the puppies will warn you.

ok, we will try. ok good and sam please don't let me sleep in late. because I need to go see your papa early ok. ok, Carla, I won't let you. ok, thanks and good night Y'all. hey, Carla what if it comes tonight wake me up then all right. ok

but let's hope we have a quiet night for a change. yes, that sure would be nice. ok Y'all, I'm gone Kyle out of shower night Kyle I'm hitting it early because we have an early morning tomorrow. yes, you are right. and y'all please don't let me sleep

in late ok because I really need to talk to my uncle and it can't wait. I woke wow I must have been tired don't even remember gone to sleep man I need more rest shit I got out of bed and put on a pot of coffee I guessing its about 5 in the morning.

and looked at the clock and I was right and I heard someone get up it was Kyle morning Kyle. morning have you been up long not really long enough to put this pot on. and he smiled. well, I guess there was no trouble outside last night

because they did not wake me up. are they fell asleep right after we did because I was right behind you. kyle I don't even remember gone to sleep till I just woke up now that's bad. yeah, you need more rest and you always on the go

you worry about everybody but yourself. well, I can't help it I feel it's my place to. Carla, not all the time they are not babies and then what if something happens to you then what they gone to do they have to learn how to take care of them self too.

I guess you are right. come on now you know I am yeah I do and you are right ok. he smiled. and oh still like your pj's and smiled. thanks, me and cartoons I love them. do you yeah use to watch them all the time. me to I guess we never grow old.

I smiled I guess not wish we had it out here and we laughed. oh shit, it's getting late I need to get dress if I want to catch that man. ok, I will get ready to what about them let them sleep they will be fine till we get back right.

as he smiled well you are learning I see. I guess so. so now lets hurry and get ready. ok captain right away. as we laughed ok now I'm not that bad am I know I was just playing with you.you're doing great. aww thank you and I'm sorry because I know

I can be pushy at sometimes and don't really mean it. I know don't worry about it you are just doing fine I told you not to worry so much and what you waiting for go get your butt dress because we are wasting daylight time here women as we laugh.

ok ok, I'm gone be out in little. ok, I will be here. well, I hope so and smiled. ok, I'm ready how about you. yup sitting here drinking coffee waiting on you. haha, where is mine you didn't make me a cup well I sure did look right over there it is waiting for you.

aww, thank you because I will need this because I will need all the energy I can to go face my uncle. I hear you I know he is your uncle and stuff but if you need me for anything you yell for me ok. yes, I will you promise. yes, I promise. ok good because

I do care a lot about you and yes I know we didn't know each other long but to me, it feels like an eternity. and that is a great feeling for me. and I'm sorry just had to say it. and you don't have to say anything yet but I just had to.

well to be honest when I first saw you I felt the same way about you and every day it feels like it gets stronger and stronger so yes I feel the same but just don't want to rush into fast because too much is going on right now". and I very much understand you and I will be

here and ready whenever you are because I'm not gone anywhere unless you make me. leave. well, don't worry about that because it won't happen from me but you might get tired of waiting on me. really like where I'm gone to go there is nothing out there for me and I am where I want to be. with you. aww, thank you.

don't thank me like I said I am right where I want to be. as we were walking down to the dock Carla I smell our friend is back yup smells that way. hey, how long will it take us to get to your uncle's place I guess 30 40 minutes from here.

ok was just asking guess I'm nosey. I smiles know you're not at all. ok good because I don't know what way to go I will show you silly." ok good don't want us getting lost out here oh your fine the time to worry is when it's dark and you can't see

your hand in front of your face are where you are going then you worry. damn, I bet that's why everyone says got to get home before dark. yup, you got it that's it. wow, I didn't know it was that bad." yup it is and scary as hell too. I bet.

you know Carla out here is so beautiful with the weeping willows and the moss tree's the nature's beauty life but no one knows what is hiding behind all this. because I didn't until the day I met you and what is behind something that is so beautiful.

kyle maybe that's it people was looking at what was so beautiful that they didn't see beyond that thing and what was not seen had no more hope for being beautiful like all other things. and now to think about it everything is different.

but they belong to the earth and more. some can be cures for sickness are for anything but we walk right by it and don't look at it why because it's not beautiful but it is god that gave it a place here for a reason and I'm sure he thought it was beautiful because he put it here.

for now on I will really look and just not see because there is more to life than just one pretty thing.

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