" Chapter 20 ~ "

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sitting here with my back up against the wall sam done fell asleep and dozer came to me and laid his head upon my legs what is it boy you can't sleep either. know the feeling boy I wish you can talk I sure wish I knew what was out there.

those eyes how they looked at me like they knew me and how they glowed boy I'm sure scared. but have to be strong for sam. hey boy, I'm gone in the morning and get you some buddies to play with how does that sound.

as I giggle to myself you don't even know what the hell I'm saying huh boy. as I looked down at him and he was asleep again shit lets me try to get some sleep its gone to be a long day tomorrow got to go to the store and get wood and build a pen and seal up the house more. damn, shit this is just crazy.

well, morning came and I looked around and didn't see sam hey sam where are you. I'm right here with dozer so he can play some oh ok hey did you have breakfast yet know. well I'm fixing to cook some because I didn't eat last night did you no me either you want me to fix you some. yes, please ok sure thing I'm making some,

hash brown and some eggs in toast do you want the same yes, please. then all of the sudden it hit me about last night at the window I ran outside to go see Carla where are you going I'm gone check by the window from last night. the puppy went there also this morning sniffing around there.

he walked all the way around the house I followed him he was trying to follow it in the woods but I hurry and stop him. do you have your gun on you? oh know I forgot what you forgot really can you please go get it yes but where is your well I thought you would have your on you since you was out here.

and I told you to carry it. man, you are sounding more like my papa with the bitching. I'm sorry I just want you to be safe that's all and sorry for caring my bad shit. oh, my food it's gone to burn so I ran back inside and ran slap into my uncle. child what is the rush I almost forgot about my food.

what were you doing outside well uncle we had company again last night. yall did yes did it make any damage know not this time but it was looking in the window right at me uncle and those eyes nothing I ever have seen before looking at me with a glowing look shit just send chills down me. where is sam getting her gun she is mad at me.

she said I sound just like you with the bitching and shit. uncle are you gone to tell her soon what's gone on around here because I'm not its not my place but she is asking a lot of questions about it and don't know how much more I can keep throwing her off I will real soon well you better do it real soon to please.

uncle can I ask you something if you don't mind. what's that child is there something more out there that I should know and papa didn't tell me he kinda look down and said no child I don't believe but right then and there I knew he was lying to me so I just brushed it off. ok, uncle, I was just asking

and trying to make sure that's all. its ok child you can ask me anything and be thinking to myself yeah right I bet. where is sam Carla she is outside playing with her puppy? let me get back to my cooking so I can get done and we can head to town for more stuff. more stuff for what child did you not hear we had more,

company last night and more stuff to build a pen for the puppy and maybe thinking about putting up a fence too. a fence for what well to keep the puppy in when he grows up so it can't go in the woods and whatever is out there keep them out. oh, I see and you think all this will work well I have to try and hope it will unless you know more than I do.

know your papa tried a lot also so but not much luck in it though well I will try to I just can't sit here and do nothing at all. yes, I understand I can't blame you well uncle what would you do if this was happening to you. sit on your butt are do something about it. Carla if you remember.

we live the same every month I have to hang meat out in the woods as an offering to them also. yeah, but are they ripping up your house and breaking and moving thing and scaring the shit out of your family, are they. know they are not and I'm sorry Carla what you sorry for it's not your fault.

they doing this to me I wonder sometimes if papa really pissed them off. and now I'm the one that has to face the shit for what he did. well, child, I got to go a lot of stuff to do today tell sam bye for me. know you tell her yourself you will see her on your way out. I will see yall real soon ok. yeah ok see you later,

uncle have a good day Y'all too thanks, I sure hope we do too.hey sam food is ready to come and eat and don't forget to bring the puppy in because when we are done we need to head to town if you want to go. yes, I want to go you have gone to need my help silly. yes, that I will.

did you feed that little shit and water him. yes, he is a little pig we laughed did he go yes he has and we are already and he should take a big nap while we are gone to town. ok good and put on the list chew toys ok because I don't want him eating my shoes and giggled.

ok sure will hey what you and papa were arguing about again I told him about the company we had last night and what I was gone to do. you know your papa yeah he can be something else for sure. yes, he can but Carla did you know you are the only person that stands up to him. oh, really why no one else. because they are all scared of him we laughed well I guess I'm just diffrant then them. yes, you are.

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