" Chapter 48 ~ "

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well, I waited for your papa to radio me and tell me when it will be time but he never did then I knew right there something was wrong. so I jumped in the boat and went to your house and when I got there he was sitting at the table drinking coffee.

and I ask him what was the deal and where were your ma'ma was and he just sat there and said well I already buried her that's what's she wanted so that's what I did. and I ask him if that's what she wanted why he never told us because we were waiting

for him to let us know when to come and as he sat there with just a blank face said nothing but it is what it is. and I asked him where was she if he did bury her he said at their favorite place under the weeping willow with their name carved in.

well, I left with nothing more to say I went to that tree that was gone to be there resting place. I did not trust your father anymore after what he had done so I had to go see for myself if he did what he said he done well I got there and there was

a mound up on the ground but for some reason I could not leave and had to see if your ma'ma was really there so yes I have dug up the ground to see if your ma'ma was there because I could not help myself I lost all that I had for my brother

that night when your ma'ma passed away. anyway I did dug it up and when I got to her box I was for the first time scared but I had to see then I open real slow and try not to disturb too much but when I open it there were only rocks

now I was beyond pissed off I know I made a promise but he done went too far so I covered up the grave again and I went straight to his house and I was very pissed at this time when I got there I didn't even knock I walked right in and grab him 

by his neck and said where is she and I want to know right now are you will be next he looked at me with shock and a scary look in his eyes and he said he took her to the stone table and I'm like what why because I felt bad for what I have done

are you crazy and you thought that would be the right thing for her and not let her rest what is wrong with you and so I hurry out of the house to try to get to the stone table before it was too late I ran through the woods like a crazy man but when

 I got there she was done gone I fell down to my knees and told her how sorry I was and I should have never left her if I even thought he would do that. what uncle what happen to her please tell me I will child out there in the woods

is a stone table and the legend has it if someone pass lay them there and they will come back but not the same as they were and your father took your mother there and laid her up on it and left her there and I was too late to save her again.

what do you mean uncle by saving her well when she was laid upon that stone table for a while then she will become one of them to what uncle one of those things are you sure yes my child but I did try to get her before it would take place but I didn't know when that would

happen it was only a legend that I heard of and yes I came out to see and yes I saw the table but never really thought it would have been true until that day when I went look for your ma'ma to try and save her if it was true and it was and I was

too late  then I went back to your papa and I have beat him down for what he did to Your ma'ma yes I broke my promise but he went to for on this and I told him that his day will come soon and I hope she doesn't let you rest any.

and I left and came back home fighting back tears and thinking about what I was gone to tell you that was the hardest part of my life was telling you and knowing you had to go back to him by yourself but the next day I went back into the woods

and I yelled out to your ma'ma name and said that you missed her and that you love her so much and I asked her for myself and yours not to revenge him because you were there and wait till you went to school and then do whatever she wanted.

and that day has come you left for school I was so proud of you because you was very smart well to think about it to smart. aww, come on uncle well its true look at you your so smart and that's why I let sam come stay with you because I knew that

you would have taken care of her. and uncle she is of age to go where she wants. oh and yeah that to we laughed so uncle all jokes to the side my ma'ma is now one of them yes my child I'm sorry I tried to get to her but was too late 

uncle it was not your fault it was my papa so stop blaming yourself it was him so anyway  she is the one that has been following me and just started to talk to me and for me to ask you what went on so now I know this is just crazy kinda hard for

it to soak in you know yes my child I know and I'm sorry don't be uncle it just happens and you have to deal with it and thank you for telling me so now I no. hey Carla yeah uncle will you tell her I said high yes uncle even more than that.

and yes I will let you know if she says something about you and he smiled at me. but I was not done hey uncle what about sam are you gone to tell her are the truth are not she is a grown girl don't you think she should know but that's

all up to you but I myself think she should know the truth and not have to hear it like I just did with you. yes, you are right where is she at your house helping her ma'ma to clean after y'all dirty guys oh you are a little smart ass are you,

yes, I take after the best I will come back." when uncle. I will tomorrow so keep her butt home I sure will and you better show up to because I'm gone to tell her you coming out to see her how you like me now and I laughed I will be here ok

uncle see you then and thanks for telling me I know it was hard on you. yes, child, it was but you did need to know ok then I will see y'all tomorrow ok uncle till then be careful going home. I will and Y'all have a good night. well, uncle, I hope so too." night uncle and Luv Ya. Luv ya to child now let me go

oh wait uncle I have to tell you something I have met a really nice guy. oh lord child were from your school. know uncle here is from here right from the town. oh yeah, who is he his name is Kyle. what are you for real kyle from town the storekeeper's son yes

uncle do you know him. yes he is a very good boy and a hard worker to I must say so you found yourself a good one aww thanks, uncle, I'm glad you know him because I really do like him a lot why tell me, child, because uncle you all I got 

your like my dad now I need someone but if you don't want me to bother you with this I won't I'm sorry no child its not that I'm sorry because I was not thinking that I am all you got and I'm happy for you he is a good boy. thanks, uncle that means a lot.

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