" Chapter 1 ~ "

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That morning the plane has arrived at the airport and I ran out to wave down a cab and ask him can you please bring me to my uncle right away I asked and he said yes mam, where do you need to go I told him to the docks, please. we got to the docks and I jumped out and grab my bags.

as fast as I can and ran to the docks where my uncle was waiting for me to go to the swamp's and I hurry on the boat. and I had to ask with a dread on my face how was my papa" he said he still hanging in there waiting for you my child and I sigh with a little of a relief.

how I missed my papa so much but don't know why They waited so long to call me and tell me that my papa is not well. and was on his deathbed and I ask my uncle bow why They waited so long to call me about my Papa being so sick" he said that was his wishes and it is What it is.

and I said well it just sucks Y'all waited so long to call me when I could have already Been Here taking care of my papa but know Y'all got to live by the swamps rules" he said, dear child, please calm Down this was your papa wishes and when you get there he will explain everything.

and I said explain What and why what is wrong here that Y'all keeping me in the dark. I was born and rise here since a child so what now some big secret. 

to learning what how to live off the swampland that I grew up on all my life what things have Just got up and changed now that I'm older what-what is it that Y'all are keeping from me, some dark secret of the Swamp tell me and what should  I do are cannot do before I take over our family's homestead.

and all my uncle can do was Smile at me and" said shut up you young stubborn child You're just like Your papa with all the questions and shit you will understand when you get home and your papa Will explain.

but I'm like why what is there to explain I been here almost all my life and always Everything is still the same. then we finally made it to my house by the end of the dock there Stood my cousin and he" said sorry we were too late. that he has just passed right before we got here.

know please know as I drop down to my knee's he was waiting for me to come and see him how can this be. oh, papa, I was almost here to see you and your bright smile with that twinkle in Your eyes what I'm gone to do Without you I cried.

and there I have kneeled seems like internally with tears coming down from my face asking myself why I didn't know sooner why didn't I hear it in his voice that he needed me. but only when we have ever talked" he would only say how much he was proud of me.

and missed me so much and how proud he was of me the women I have become I wanted to hear Those words one more time but know I'm too late my papa is already gone". my cousin asks me How was my ride. and I looked up to him and said how you think.

and I looked back down to the ground my cousin said to me I'm sorry cuz that was a very dumb question to ask. and I said you were just trying to help and be nice I'm sorry for snapping at you as I did. it was ok I guess a very long ride and I'm tired and I want to see my papa. now if it is alright. 

uncle bow is he at the house" yes my child we will grab your bags for you and bring them up to the house for you so don't worry about that just go on up and see your papa we will take care of everything else thank you uncle bow". 

you are very welcome my child and I'm so sorry I couldn't get you here faster then I did it is not your fault uncle you were doing the best you can thank you for picking me up with a little chuckle that came from his voice", he said it was ok because anyway wouldn't want to see me try to swim all this way with those heavy tot's. 

and I look back with a little giggle thank you again it means a lot to me. so I turn around and started walking up to the house trying to prepare myself because I know there will be a lot of my families that will be up there.

waiting on me my hands were shaking so bad and I was not ready for this at all and seeing my Papa again for the first time in two years and then I started to cry again because I should have come sooner than what I did.

I felt selfish because I was so excited to head off with my friends to Miami Florida to go on the beach with them but did not think of my papa instead he been home alone since my ma'ma passed away three years ago before I went away to school.

what was I thinking to myself and not about my papa I'm so sorry papa I should have thought of you but know it was always about me please forgive me I should have come sooner I'm so ashamed of myself. 

how was that you can be so proud of me the way I was. I looked up as I got closer to the house I can see my family members all gathered up on the porch. felt like a frog in my throat hard to swallow and hold back all the emotions and feeling that was hitting me so fast,

I was not ready for this at all oh papa I wish I came sooner so we could of have talked and I can Tell you how much I love you and how proud I was to have you for my papa but know it's all too late. now as I walked up the stairs my family members started to hug me and kiss me and tell How sorry they are for my lost".

and if there is anything you would need just ask us ok child and I was thinking to myself yes I need my papa is Who I need right now. as I walk through the room I can see my papa laying there with his camo Shirt and pants and boots.he never like suits at all this was his wish to be dressed in if he ever Passes.

I walked up to him and kissed him on his forehead to say my goodbyes. and I left out a little giggle when I looked down at his boots and was wondering why he had also wanted those on him too. 

and I remembered what he has said when I asked him why he needed them to? he said well my baby I was born in the swamp with my boots and when I leave I'm sure there is a swamp up there too. as we both started to giggle and I said I guess so.

oh how much I'm gone to miss you papa and your old wise stories that I use to laugh at too and you would" say they were true. you will see when you are older my baby now go out and play maybe You can catch us some big bullfrogs for us to eat. and he said now don't be out there too long I want you back inside way before dark.

and for some reason, I thought that was so awkward when I was a child with a gun and stuff he would always make sure I had it with me but never let me out after dark, he would say" it was not safe and I would get lost, and he left it at that and it was what it was. 

so I snapped back to reality and I turn around and thanked all the family for being there with me and was thankful for them taking Care of papa as they did. they said it was not a problem at all to them because they love papa Just as much he was family. 

they told me that they have brought me some food to eat it is all picked up but ready in case I got hungry and I said thank you so much they" said it was nothing at all and anytime and if I needed them I would know where they will be. 

well it was getting late and some family has already left my uncle bow came to me and said your papa was very proud of you and has spoken of you all the time and he really loved you, my child, unconditionally and never forget that and I said uncle I won't,

and thanked him again he said to me softly my child I have a letter here for you that your papa gave me to give you in case this would happen before he had a chance to tell you anything. I said what uncle bow what is it" he said sorry my child it is not my place to tell you. when you get a Chance and rested up read it, are whenever you were ready he said.

well, my child, it is getting late and it is not good to be on the water so late at night. he said would You like to kiss your papa one more time before he and my cousin's take him away from the House and I said yes please and thank you again".

he said we will meet up in the morning around 8 am and bring papa next to ma'ma at his favorite rest place. and oh my uncle bow said" to me my Papa still had my 16ga shotgun along with the others in the back room. they all fully loaded so watch yourself,

I said why are they all loaded for and he smiled at me child you know your papa when he needed something it had to be ready. and he said child as soon as we leave lock up real tight now and don't go out if you hear anything because it's only critters just hunting for food and I said uncle really.

he said you hear me now child do what I say, ok love, you and see you in the Morning and he said" I will listen outside to see if you locked up because you are as stubborn as you papa I Said ok-ok go I will lock It behind you ok.love you uncle bow see you in the morning  night child and don't forget what I Said, ok uncle, I will.

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