" Chapter 31 ~ "

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so kyle when we get to the house and you don't mind me asking what next. well, I'm gone to get clay and we gone to bring this buck to the boat and bring it to the shop by my papa and tell him that we are gone to come out here for a few days and help y'all out some around here.

and don't worry I will not say anything else but that." yeah but what about your brother you have to tell him what he will be getting himself into and its only fair to him to know. I will tell him on the way to the house on the boat.

he is gone to think I'm crazy. know he won't how you know because I know my brother. and I'm gone to ask my papa is there any legends out here. and if he asks why I will come up with something stupid and we laughed.

well, Kyle, I will let you take the wagon down to the dock. that way you will have it to bring your stuff back up and when Y'all get back we will figure out where to put up your camp so I guess me and my sister will be seeing y'all in a few days. what a few days.

hell no we will be back before night. are you sure you want to do this, yes I told you I do and we will be back tonight and I will bring extra guns and ammo to? I just worry because whatever it is its mean and I don't want to see.

anyone get hurt over it. we will be ok and I and my brother will help you try to get rid of this thing are learn how to keep it away. from here. thank you and I hope maybe your papa might have some information on this thing.

ok well let us get going so we can get back before dark and Carla I will be back with my brother are not ok so don't worry and he gently kisses my forehead as I blush like a little girl. hey, clay lets go we need to get to the house what the rush.

kyle. I will tell you on the way to the boat clay. hey kyle, if you hear, are smell don't run ok why because I think that's what it likes ok we won't." hey kyle what is she talking about. hear are smell and don't run I will tell you when we get to the boat. ok,

I guess I have no choice because I can see you not gone to tell me till we get there anyway. yes you got that right. hey, Kyle and clay Y'all be careful ok." and will see y'all later. ok, we will and we will see you then.

hey sam with a grin on my face how was your visit she smile. it was just great we have so much in common well that's cool and a good thing right". yes, and I like him a lot well that's good. hey, Carla yeah how was your hunt I smile it was nice.

we talked a little and he shot a nice buck. did you get us one? know sam our friend was out there and got it before I did. what yeah I know right I think it did it on purpose because it never did that before and made sure I knew because of the way that poor animal scream just sends chills down your back.

wow, Carla what did Kyle say he was kinda of freaked out over it too. and I told him lets load up and head back here and on our way back I know it was following us and that nasty smell kyle ask about it and wanted to check it out he thought it was.

something dead I said know and he ask why I told him did he smell it when we came out here he said know because it is nothing dead and he said it smelled like what they smelled behind our house and I said yes and I didn't know what it was.

what he said well he wants to help us I told him know but he did not take it for an answer and he said he was gone to any way that's where they were gone now get more gun and their camp. what really they are coming back with a big smile.

sam you are something else." sorry can't help it I like him a lot. I know sam but I don't want anyone getting hurt over this thing out here. because you can see what it can do. what you think that camp will look like if it gets a hole of it huh.

it will be nothing pretty and I told Kyle the same thing but he didn't care I wonder how big is their camp is because we have a big porch and maybe they can set it up on it that way they will be close to our door if anything will happen.

come on sam let go clear off the porch and put the stuff in the shed what about the puppies sam that's why we got the fence silly they are not gone anywhere. oh shit duh what was I thinking of I laughed out loud? whats so funny I know where your brains were and smiled.

aww, shut up Carla it was not. yeah ok, whatever you say sam. yeah, you got that right we laughed wow sam I didn't really know how big this porch was till we had to bring everything to the shed. yes, Carla, this sucker is big I know right.

well, it is done. yup, I'm hungry I'm gone in for a snack how about you sam. know I'm good I had one earlier thank you tho. ok, can't say I didn't ask you. hey, sam do we still have pickles." I think so but I will put it down on our list too. ok, thanks.

hey, sam, after I get done, do want to help me make some deer jerky because it sure is sounding good. oh yeah, I will help you and it does sound good did not have any of that stuff in a long time. I know right. ok then sounds like a plan.

and we need to take out something for supper tonight. sam what sounds good to you I don't know how about a stew with homemade biscuits. that sound great to me ok so stew it is. do we have all the stuff for it I believe so? well, women come in here and check. why you are in there already you check yeah but I'm eating hello?

all right I'm coming shit. really sam you acting all lazy I laughed. know I'm not. ok if you so. your not as I giggled some.

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