" Chapter 9 ~ "

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girl that shower sure did feel good. I know right I didn't want to come out of it when I was in there. I hear that I don't know about you but I'm so damn tired I can fall asleep standing. I feel you I feel the same way I'm too lazy to even make me a plate now you know it's bad we laughed. yes indeed"

well shit, let me get off my lazy butt and go fix me a plate. hey fix me one to while you at it yeah right you better get off your butt are you will go hungry. aww man you are so mean" yeah - yeah whatever. so what we are watching tonight. girl, I don't know? might not make through the movie.

I'm hoping to keep my eyes open long enough to eat damn I hear that shit. it sounds quite outside but don't want to talk to soon though and jinx myself. I hear that don't say it again but I do pray it won't come me to because I just can't handle this shit anymore I'm worn the slap out and exhausted,

my body needs sleep bad as I looked at sam, and she is already out. I got up and covered her and went into the room to get the guns and bring them back to the couch, I sat down and cover myself up to my neck before I knew it I woke up and it was the next day about noontime, damn I was tired to sleep in that late I looked over at sam,

she was not there I got scared sam - sam where are you in a panic, damn girl I'm right here I had to use the bathroom if that's ok with you" sorry shit you and that smart ass mouth. when I didn't see you so  I got a little panicking ok. little my ass I heard you-you was freaking out aww shut up was not

was too whatever yeah you know it's true. girl we really must have been tired last night, because we where out I didn't even hear anything last nite, even if it came". well let us go and check it out I guess so fingers cross same here as we were walking to the door all in a sudden a big banging was hitting the door,

we almost jump out of our skins and yelled who is it, girls, Y'all better open this door  its papa" its uncle bow. we ran to the door and unlocked it boy its good to see you." what in this world Y'all girls are up to over here look at this place it looks like a damn prison over here, and I almost stepped in that damn trap

papa - papa, we can explain yes uncle bow don't you remember I told you that something been coming around here at night and we have proof. proof huh well show me I don't have all day we were coming and check on it before you came banging I was not banging child yeah ok what

nothing uncle thought so as we turn the corner of the house with shock again. all the traps were shut how can that be. I looked at sam she looked at me" what's going on here yes girls please tell me well uncle we set traps around all the windows and look they all are shut it could have been the wind

know way uncle it was not know wind being smart again I see know uncle do you really believe that I don't know child but something is happening here and look uncle the other night something broken the window and look at those scratches up there is that the wind too. and there is no tree close to the house to do it either.

I don't know child I can't explain either what's going on here that's why we put up the bars and set the traps, but look nothing in them, I'm so confused about all this. and papa, we were so tired last night from not getting no sleep and doing all this work to find? out what it is."

well maybe is gone now girls uncle I'm sorry but I don't believe it is, but I will find out one day what it is because I'm not giving up. and it won't run me from my childhood home. yall girls have your guns all loaded right. yes, sir papa and by our side every night. ok, that's good look I got some errands to do ok girl if you need me at any time you know how to hit me up on the radio yes papa" yes uncle bow.

ok girls, I got to get going love Y'all we love you too. well, sam what do you think I'm with you that was not know wind that did that, yeah I know so now what we can do. shit we did about everything we can do I guess we will set the traps back again and see.

that's all we can do you know what I mean yes I do since we got rest last night we will be up some. please don't remind me shit now thinking about night coming will always scare me. yeah, same here too, its like I want to turn,

on every light on in the house and outside so it won't look like the dark I know right we are some big babies yup I do agree I am one as long as whatever it is out there is still there I will be yes me too I just wish it did just go away me to maybe one day

I sure hope so and pray oh hey can you help me to try to find that letter, please. sure when was it that you last had it the day uncle gave it to me, at the wake, oh wow so its no telling where it could be 

yup I know and don't know where to start, I hear that hey let set these traps first before we go in and look yeah really because we so side track and will forget. yes indeed that will be about right you know it would be we laughed,

girl we need help shit I know right people will think we have done gone crazy over here, I know right as soon as they see all this shit we did, hell piss on them I don't care this is my home and we will protect it and our self even if we are crazy. girl, you are something else but you are right ok traps are set again,

now lets go find that letter ok.. thanks, sam girl you know me anytime I know but thanks anyway you are welcome ok let us go on our hunt for the letter ok let go" yup lets go I should of read it when he gave it to me I'm always losing stuff, its ok we will find it.

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