" Chapter 36 ~ "

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anyway a few days later my uncle came over and saw the mess on what that thing has done to the house and stuff. and I told him that I lost the letter and didn't get a chance to read it. he laughed at me and I asked him what was so funny.

he said he found the letter at my papa's resting spot where I sat that day. and I said why didn't you give it to me then and he said he wanted to see how long it would take before I had asked. him then I was pissed because he knew what is going on over here.

and the letter to explain things to me and he wants to call him self-family I'm not so sure anymore about it. because he knew the hell I was having over here. and he did nothing. to help me."wow your uncle sounds pretty mean to me I'm sorry but it does to me.

yeah he can be any way he gave me the letter to read and I found out about sam you see sam is really my sister but she doesn't know that." what really. yes, when she was born my papa and ma'ma gave her to my aunt and uncle because they were having a baby girl at the same time.

but my aunt fell and she lost the only baby girl because they had all boys and my ma'ma and Papa had decided to give her to them and to make things look right to the people around here. one night they got together and swap babies.

so it would look like that my ma'ma had lost hers."wow. yeah, I know just sick for what they did. to my little sister and in the letter my papa said they gave her away because they could not afford her and can only take care of one of us.

I'm sorry but it is not an excuse to me and I was mad and in the letter, my papa knew I would be. so he asks me to forgive him at first I was not and I was also mad at my uncle also. and about this thing out here he had not say really much about it.

but that they had to give it an offering every month. and papa said he forgot one month and my ma'ma was outside picking up our clothes and it attacks her scratches down her back as a warning he said but it was bad and didn't have the medicine for her.

to take care of it so it got worse and she died that monster killed my mother. that's when my papa sent me away to school so I would not get hurt from it. so yes all this time I was in the dark and no one told me till I got the letter.

and really still in the dark because I know my uncle knows more about it.so that's my story I have one sick family." I'm so sorry about your mother and everything you been gone though I know it is not much I will help you get through this ok I promise.

thank you, it means a lot to me and I told my uncle he needs to tell sam what is going on soon because it was not my place like they told me but I told him I was family and if he didn't really soon that I will." what he said. he said he will soon.

but nothing yet I want him to tell her because she thinks he is her real papa and don't want her to think I was making it up but I still have the letter and she can read for herself but still rather him to tell her because it's his job too.

well, thats my story and sorry to load it all on you like I did. its ok I didn't mind at all but now what are you gone to do." really don't know I have never been so confused in my life but promise me not to tell her ok." I promise I won't say a word.

thank you well, come on let get to the house before they think we got lost. and we still have to make a hunt I know a place down the pass where we can go. ok, that sounds good whenever you are ready. ok but first I need to tell sam.

so they don't go out in the woods looking for us. because I know sam will come looking for me in the woods". yeah, and I better tell clay because he is the same way so yeah let's tell them so we can hurry back before dark. I hear that.

and I guess I will wait for tomorrow early and go pay my uncle a visit because I won't have time today. hey, sam where you at."I'm over here whats up did you have any luck know sam that thing has ruined that spot for a while I guess.

so me and Kyle are going down the pass to another spot I know about ok I came to tell you so you will know that we are not in the woods here." ok Carla good luck and Y'all be careful over here to you hear me don't let your guard down for nothing.

yes, ma'ma what I told you about that ."I'm just playing Carla you need to chill sometimes I will when every one of these damn monsters is gone off our land. ok then let us go so we can be done with it and we won't be long ok.

ok, see you when you get back. you got it well you ready kyle yeah let do this. as we head down to the dock with my wagon hey kyle, where we are gone, is a really good spot to its there watering hole most of the time so we should get.

a good clean shot right off the boat. well, that will be nice. yeah, so we should be ready because we might get one are two. now that really sounds nice you have your gun loaded and ready because we will have to be fast. yup, I'm ready how about you."I'm.

always ready out here in the woods he laughed."I hear you and I sure don't blame you either. ok turn off the motor and let us drift in and get ready to shoot. ok, let's do this. ok, get ready because of no time for error ok.

we drift in slow with our guns ready and there they were ready for the taking and I yell now we both shot and got us a nice buck and a doe. Carla that was so cool I know right I looked in the woods and saw something but not sure what it was.

it had strange colors on it and I saw the eyes first that glow. shit kyle. what is it lets hurry and get them because that thing is out here and I just saw some of it." are you for real yes please let us hurry and get out of here.

we hurried it up because we didn't know what we were up against so we jump on land and grab what we shot. as we were getting them on the boat we heard something running to us fast hurry kyle start up the motor before it gets here and hurry it, please.

and get us out because I don't know if that thing can swim are not.

" Lurking In The Shadows"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon