" Chapter 24 ~ "

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as I sat back down just looking at the pups I dozed off in a deep sleep I was running around in the yard playing and try to catch big bullfrogs for papa and it was getting kinda late but I was having so much fun chasseing them and didn't really realize how late it was. and then I came upon the edge of the woods.

and I was scared because papa told me to never come this way and I didn't want him to get mad at me but there at that moment I saw something in the woods and I said with a soft voice who is out here and why you out so late because if papa see you he will get very mad and he got a big gun hurry and go before he comes.

and then papa was yelling Carla come here right now young lady. and I looked in the woods and said I will be back tomorrow ok but don't come out so late because papa will get mad and I turned around to run home that's when I woke.

it was already morning wow what a crazy dream I had to myself. then a bang-bang at the door I yelled who is it they said the guys to build the fence ok I'm coming and I open the door and they said do you want to show us where you want us to start and I said sure.

so I have shown them where I wanted them to start and where I want each gate to be put. sam came outside they are here I said yes great can't wait to see how it will look like. I said yeah me too but I do no one thing. what's that Carla I think those little pups should be out here too unless you

ready to clean up a big mess because I know I'm not. oh shit, let me hurry and get them and bring them out we laughed. I'm coming to help hope we not too late as we laughed. yay, we made it yup we did.

yup good thing yeah I know right yup. sam I had a crazy dream last night.  you did what was it about I was a little girl running around here in the yard chasing bullfrogs for papa". really" yeah it was kinda crazy. how was that Carla?

because it was starting to get late and I was having so much fun and didn't think about the time and end up at the edge of the woods where papa told me to never go. and I heard a noise up in there and I ask who it was but didn't get an answer tho. and ask why it was here and why it was out so late.

Carla then what well papa started to call me and I woke up it was just crazy and unreal. I don't know what it was really about but I did tell it I would be back but next time not so late. crazy huh yeah I mean I wonder if it is something from when you were young. I don't know Sam? 

if it was I think I would remember shit. sorry, Carla, I was only trying to help.  I know sam I'm sorry I should have never snapped at you it is not your fault I'm a cranky old goat. she laughed  you only a year older than me you're not old so you shut up and she laughed you're just tired that's all.

yeah, I guess your right I hope tonight we can get some sleep. oh shit. what  I got to go. where are you going I got to go get whatever it is something to eat for tonight. oh yeah, know shit you want me to go with you know stay here and watch the pups and make sure those guys do their job right.

ok, Carla, I will but are you sure yeah I am thanks. ok, you be careful out there I will. well, I got to get dressed to go out for the hunt. went to my favorite place because it was when I and my papa use to hunt when I was young because it was the hot spot. 

and then I thought about where I was at it was near where my papa and ma'ma resting place was not far. well, I thought should I go see them? but it was not like I wanted to but I just had to go and show my respect to them. 

well, I got there and I kneel down beside their grave and prayed and how much I missed them and what was going on with me at home. and didn't understand why it was happening to me and what did I do because what did they want from me.

well so I said my goodbyes again because I had to go make a hunt before it got too late so I went back to my favorite place and wait awhile I was waiting to see what will pass and I was thinking how unfair it was to the animals yes I hunt but it lasts for weeks are so but it just kills me that I will have to take one of their lives to save mine.

every damn day and it was not fair and I had to do something about this even if  I have to come face to face on what is out here. and what was wrong with them that they could not do on their own like we do but know we have to do both and it was not fair.

and yes I'm mad because if we can do it they also can. do it too well I got a shot in on a big buck and I put it on the wagon to bring home and then there was that smell again. shit then I yelled again what in the hell you want from me we are doing everything yall ask of us so why are you messing with me so much.

please, I beg you to just leave me alone I have not done you anything and like I said if my papa did I'm sorry but he is not here anymore and what do you want from me. I have been doing my best to keep yall happy so I don't see why you are scaring me and my sister like this. so, please.

if you are trying to tell me somehow for what I don't know well come to me and leave my little sister out of it please you are scaring her to death and me but if you keep scaring her it will only be war. between you and me and I will send her back home and I will deal with you on my own because I'm tired of this shit leave her alone you hear me and I hope you understand me to because I'm not playing anymore.

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